

2020-06-24 来源:好走旅游网

大纲:考研英 写作大作文范文及模板: 定情况作文⋯⋯

定情况作文 1. 写作攻略

定情况作文也是一种控制性特别 的作文出 方式。一般不供应详尽 ,

定必然的情况, 考生必 从情况信息中找出所写文章的中心思想, 并在此基 上确定文章的 和段落 构。 在写作 程中, 考生 依照情况中 定的范 和条件并 合自己的知 和 来休会、 构思和 展段落, 但不能够走开情况任意 。而且要注意文章必 吻合 情理, 段落之 的 接要 和自然。 定情况 型写作要点:

(1) 定情况写作要求考生在 目 定的情况内张开构思和 内容。

(2) 仔 。考生必然要弄清楚 目所供应的情况,是 明 是 ,是叙事 是写景。

(3) 确定段落与主 句。主 句 一个完满的句子,用以概括、表达和 明 段的主 。一般放在段首。使用主 句,文章 构会 得有条理,同 也使考生 自己所要表达的内容


(4) 渐渐张开段落。确定主 句,考生便能够 主 句,张开段落,完成全

文的写作。 段落的张开 建立在段落情况基 之上, 每段的要点都 集中于描述情况 定内容。

(5) 考生的所用的每一个 句都 扣情况,

突出要点, 前后 , 表达清楚, 吻合 。

(6) 明确 型种 。情况写作可依照内容写成不同样文体,如 叙文、 文、 信 告等,故考生 注意灵便运用相 文体的写作方法与技巧。

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(7) 真 与更正。考生 要点 可否完满正确地包含了情况所要求的各 内容,可否有与情况相悖或不相关的内容。若是一旦 有出入,要及 更正。 2. 必背模版句型

... is becoming a serious problem. This is because...

⋯⋯已 得越来越 重,是因 ⋯⋯

If possible, one may.... There are many examples of ...


I never think... is a waste of time and money because, it is something

that I truly wanted in my life.

我不 ⋯⋯可是浪 和金 ,因 是我生活中真切需要的。

Further more ... is the by-product of..., so we should...

一步地 ,⋯⋯是⋯⋯的副 品,所以我 ⋯⋯

As for me, this should not be...

于我来 , 不 是⋯⋯

To be frank, I would like to support...

爽快的 ,我想支持⋯⋯

Personally, I would prefer...

我个人比 向于⋯⋯

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Yet differences will be found, that s why I feel that...

可是分歧仍旧 在, 也是我 什么 得⋯⋯

We have no reason to believe that...

我 没有原因相信⋯⋯

It is one thing to insist that... , it is quite another to show that ...


Recently the issue of... has been brought to public attention.


It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on...

已 到了我 必 ⋯⋯予以重 的 候了。

Aside from that,

all laws and regulations against the pollution should

be forcefully implemented.

除此之外,所有关于防范 染的法律法 都 制 行。

For now the world has a more urgent mission: to stop the planet from overheating, and do it in a hurry.

目前,世界正面 着一个更迫切的使命:必 马上行 ,防范地球 升温。

Over the past decade, the issue of... has risen to the top of the agenda.

在 去的十年中,关于⋯⋯的 已 提到了首位。 3 / 5


3. 必背经典范文

Directions: it is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relationship between family members is close or not. Lots of factors can be identified. Hereby I would like to present my point of view.

Great changes have taken place in family life with the development of


One of them is that Many children

the traditional family is becoming smaller parents at an early



have to leave their age to study

or work elsewhere. As time passes, they become emotionally estranged from their parents.

In addition, the availability of various kinds of entertainment also


people from enjoying chats with the family members. Their free time

the internet

or playing


is mostly occupied by seeing films, surfing

games. Thus they have no interest in communicating with the other members of their families.

In view of such alienation

within families, I believe that urgent steps

must be taken. Regular contact on the phone can bring

care to those who live

away from each other. Family reunions on holidays or other important occasions can make a difference as well. In a word, a close family


can surely be maintained as long as we realize the significant

role it plays in our lives and attach importance to it.




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随着社会的发展, 家庭生活发生了巨大的变化。


来越小了。 好多孩子在很小的时候就不得不走开家出去学习或工作。 子在感情上和父亲母亲就疏远了。

时间长了, 孩

而且,各样各样的娱乐方式也减少了人们和家人聊天的机遇。 他们把大部分的自由时间都用来看电影、 上网或玩网络游戏。 人们关于和其他成员在一块交流失去了兴趣。

面对家庭的这种倾向, 我认为必定马上采用一些措施。 打个电话就可以让住的较远的亲人感觉到互相的爱。 假日或其他重要场合的家庭聚会也会拉近互相之间的距离。总之,只要我们意识到家庭对生活的重要性,高度重视它,那么,亲密的家庭关系还是能够建立起来的。

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