

2022-08-24 来源:好走旅游网

TDI train - Infrastructure Electrical System Installation

MV Cable Pulling Construction Plan




一. 概况 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 工程概况 PROJECT OVERVIEW................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 施工范围 SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 3 二.编制依据 COMPILATION BASIS ................................................................................................................. 4 三. 施工工艺流程:CONSTRUCTION PROCESS ........................................................................................... 4 四. 前期准备 PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 技术准备 TECHNICAL PREPARATION ..................................................................................................... 4 4.2 材料准备MATERIAL PREPARATION ........................................................................................................ 4 4.3 主要机具准备 MAIN EQUIPMENT PREPARATION ................................................................................. 5 4.4 作业环境准备 WORK ENVIRONMENT PREPARATION ......................................................................... 5 五. 敷设施工 WORK OF CABLE PULLING ...................................................................................................... 6 5.1 电缆敷设施工工序WORK PROCEDURE ................................................................................................... 6 5.2 机具布置 LAYOUT OF TOOLS ..................................................................................................................... 6 5.2.1 电缆的搬运及支架架设CABLE REMOVAL AND CABLE TRAY ........................................................... 6 5.2.2 卷扬机与滑轮的布置 WINCH AND PULLEY ARRANGEMENT ........................................................... 6 5.3 电缆展放LAY-OFF CABLE ........................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 电缆敷设、固定CABLE LAYING AND FIXING ....................................................................................... 11 六. 覆砂盖砖SPREAD SAND AND COVER BRICKS ...................................................................................... 11 七. 回填土BACKFILL EARTH .......................................................................................................................... 12 八. 埋标桩BURYING STAKE ............................................................................................................................. 12 九. 挂标志牌HANGING SIGNS ......................................................................................................................... 12 十. 质量控制QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................................................................. 12 10.1 主控项目MASTER ITEMS ........................................................................................................................ 12 10.2 一般项目GENERAL ITEMS ..................................................................................................................... 12 十一. 成品保护FINISHED PROTECTION ....................................................................................................... 13 十二. 质量记录QUALITY RECORD .................................................................................................................. 13 12.1 质量保证资料QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION ....................................................................... 13 12.2 施工记录CONSTRUCTION OF RECORD ............................................................................................... 13 十三. 安全生产、文明施工要求和措施 SAFETY AND CIVILIZED CONSTRUCTION REQUESTS AND MEASURES ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

一. 概况 Overview

1.1 工程概况 Project Overview

项目名称: TDI联合装置厂区中压电缆敷设施工。Project name: TDI Train Plant Medium Voltage

Cable Pulling Work.

本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站,工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电

力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆的敷设。The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S the 35/10kV C581 substation and a new substation. This is the power, control and grounding cable pulling among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.

1.2 施工范围 Scope of Work

1) A472建筑(220/35kV变电站)出线回路:A472 Building(220/35kV substation) outlet circuit


一路引至B301S建筑(35/10kV变电站)原1#主变,原1#主变电缆将抽出,与新增4#主变连接;另两路引至35/10kV C581变电站1#主变和2#主变。回路采用FS-YJY-26/35kV-1*300mm2单芯电缆,直埋敷设。去C581的两路35kV线路,敷设时沿不同路径,以避免两回线路同时受损。Pull three 35V outgoings from A472 substation. Of which: The first outgoing is led to B301S Building (35/10kV substation) the original one # main transformer, pull the original one # main transformer cable out, and connect to the adding 4 # main transformer; the other two outgoings are led to 35/10kV C581 # 1 and substation 2 # main transformer. Use FS-YJY-26/35kV-1 * 300mm2 single-core cables for Loop and buried pulling. Two 35kV lines to C581 are laid along different paths to avoid damage of the two loops.

2) B301S建筑(35/10kV变电站)出线回路:B301S building (35/10kV substation) outlet circuit: 由B301S变电站引出7路10kV出线。全部引至B399中心制冷站。回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆,由B301S南面现有的电缆井引出直埋至装置。Pull 7 10kV outgoings from B301S substation to B399central refrigeration station. Loop uses 10kV three-core armored cable with cross-section 95mm2 and pull out from the existing cable well in the south of B301S then buried lay to the device.

3) C581建筑(35/10kV变电站)出线回路:C581 building (35/10kV substation) outlet circuit:

由C581引出10路10kV线路,分别为A507的四台变压器,B551的两台变压器,B553TDA装置氢气压缩机2台,C521盐酸装置氯气压缩机1台,盐酸压缩机1台提供电源。其中,变压器回路采用10kV截面为185mm2的三芯铠装电缆,马达回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆。以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。10 10kV lines led from C581 are used to supply power to A507's four transformers, B551 two transformers, B553TDA 2 sets of hydrogen compressor unit, C521 hydrochloric acid chlorine gas compressor unit, and hydrochloric acid compressor unit respectively. Among them, transformer circuit uses x 3-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 185mm2, motor circuit uses three-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 95mm2. All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path. 4) 接地电缆回路:Ground cable loop:

从A472敷设一根95mm2裸铜线去C581,同时从C581敷设四根95mm2裸铜线,分别引至B551、A507、B553和C521,作等电位联结。以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。Lay a 95mm2 bare copper wire to C581 from A472. Meanwhile lay four bare copper wires to B551, A507, B553 and C521 for equipotential bonding. All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path. Overview

5) 控制电缆回路: Control cable circuit:

安装在HCL装置现场的3.6MW马达上的电流信号通过一根直埋敷设的铠装控制电缆直接接入10KV开关柜。The current signal installed on 3.6MW motor in the HCL devices site passes through a

buried armored control cable direct access to 10KV switchgear.

由变压器出线柜去C581以外的变压器,采用两根分别为10*2.5mm2、4*2.5mm2屏蔽铠装控制电缆,由中压转接柜引出,与中压电缆同路径敷设至相关变压器室。其中,10*2.5mm2电缆直接接至温控箱,4*2.5mm2电缆可集中从某间变压器室引出,沿桥架至相关PCS楼ATS柜。Transformer outlet cabinets are connected to other transformers not in C581 by using two 10 * 2.5mm2, 4 * 2.5mm2 shield sheathed control cable respectively. The 10 * 2.5mm2 cable directly is connected to the temperature control box and 4 * 2.5mm2 cable are led out from transformer room, along the bridge to the relevant PCS floor ATS cabinet.

二.编制依据 Compilation Basis

1)根据电气包(中压部分)招标文件及招标图纸编制而成。According to Electric package (MV) the tender and tender drawings.

2)在充分研究工程的客观情况和施工特点,结合我公司类似工程施工经验的基础上编制的。Based on full study on construction characteristics and objective situation and combined with similar construction experience.

3)在本方案编制过程中,严格执行国家现行建筑和安装工程施工及验收规范、规程、标准、设计规范。具体如下:In this compilation process, strictly implement current national construction and installation construction, acceptance norms, procedures, standards, and design specifications. As follows: 《电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范 GB50168-2006 》\"Electrical installation cable construction and acceptance standards GB50168-2006\"

《电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范 GB50169-2006 》\"Electrical installation earthing construction and acceptance standard GB50169-2006\"

《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 GB50303—2002 》\"Building Electrical Construction Quality Acceptance GB50303-2002\"

三. 施工工艺流程:Construction Process


Preparation→ Cable buried pulling →spread sand and build bricks → backfill→bury sign stake→ hang signs

四. 前期准备 Preparation

4.1 技术准备 Technical Preparation

1) 针对本工程特点编审详细的电缆沟施工作业指导书,及时组织图纸会审。Compile particular cable

trench construction engineering guide book as per project characteristics and organize promptly drawings joint examination. 2) 根据上海市电力建设工程施工工艺实施细则结合本工程实际编写电缆沟施工工艺卡,并组织实

施。Compile construction technique cards according to the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Construction Engineering Construction Technology Implementation Details and organize its implementation. 3) 施工人员全面了解电缆敷设来路、终点及敷设路径。Construction workers have comprehensive understanding antecedents, destination, and laying path of laying cables.

4.2 材料准备Material Preparation

1) 所有材料规格型号及电压等级应符合设计要求,并有产品合格证。All material specifications,

models and voltage level should meet design requirements and have product certificates. 2) 每盘电缆上应标明电缆规格、型号、电压等级、长度及出厂日期。电缆盘应完好无损。

Each cable should be marked on specification, model, voltage level, length and manufacture date. Cable tray should be in a good condition.

3) 电缆外观完好无损,铠装无锈蚀、无机械损伤,光泽明亮无皱折和扭曲现象。电缆外皮及绝缘展


The cable exterior condition is intact .The armor has no rust and no mechanical damage. It is shiny and bright without wrinkles and distortions. Cable jacket and insulation show no aging and cracks.

4) 电缆敷设前进行绝缘摇测或耐压试验。测量绝缘用兆欧表的额定电压,采用如下等级:Before

laying carry out insulation rolling test or voltage withstand test. Use megger rated voltage to measure insulation. Take the following level:

10KV和35KV电缆:用2500V兆欧表。10KV and 35KV Cable: The 2500V megger.

电缆测试完毕,应立即用橡塑材料封头。 When cable testing is completed, cover it with rubber materials immediately.

5) 按设计和实际路径计算每根电缆的长度,合理安排每盘电缆,无电缆接头。Calculate each cable

length according to design and actual path. Arrange each cable reasonably without cable joints. 6) 电缆保护套管已经预埋好,故只需要清理管内残渣,并作好管口保护。Cable protection sleeve has

been embedded. Clean pipe residue and protect nozzles. 7) 其它附属材料:电缆标示桩、电缆标志牌、油漆、汽油、封铅、硬脂酸、白布带、橡皮包布、黑

包布等均应符合要求。Other subsidiary material: cable marking piles, cable signs, paint, gasoline, sealed lead, stearic acid, white belt, rubber cloth, black cloth etc. should meet the requirements.

4.3 主要机具准备 Main Equipment Preparation

卷扬机、敷设电缆用支架及轴、电缆滚轮、转向导轮、吊链、滑轮、钢丝绳、大麻绳、千斤顶。 Winches, bracket and shaft for cable laying, cable roller, transfer guide wheel, hanging chain, pulleys, wire rope, large hemp rope, jacks.

绝缘摇表、皮尺、钢锯、电缆端接线工具、手锤、扳手、电气焊工具、电工工具、弯管机、砂轮机、电缆走向牌打印机、电缆号牌机、喷灯。Insulation shake watch, measuring tape, hacksaw, cable-side wiring tools, hand hammers, wrenches, electric welding tools, electrical tools, bending machine, grinding wheel machine, printer, cable plate machine, blowtorch. 无线电对讲机、手持扩音喇叭。Walkie-talkies, hand-held loud-speakers

ZC型兆欧表(检测绝缘电阻用)、高压试验设备(交流耐压及泄漏试验用)ZC-type megger (insulation resistance test), and high-voltage test equipment (AC withstand voltage and leakage test)

4.4 作业环境准备 Work Environment Preparation

厂区电缆沟的开挖及过路管的预埋工作已经完成,电缆沟内无积水,其深度应满足规范要求,底砂铺好,沟内无杂物。Trench excavation and crossing cable tubes embedded have been completed. Trench has no water and depth should meet the specifications. Spread bottom sand and be debris-free. 场地清理干净、道路畅通。Site clean up the roads unimpeded


Cable laying equipment has placed, and meets safety requirements. Cable lighting illumination along the route meets the construction requirements.

五. 敷设施工 Work of Cable Pulling 5.1 电缆敷设施工工序Work Procedure

机具布置→电缆展放→电缆敷设、固定Equipment layout → Lay off cable→lay cable and fix

5.2 机具布置 Layout of Tools

5.2.1 电缆的搬运及支架架设Cable Removal and Cable Tray

1) 电缆搬运须用卡车或吊车运输。滚动时应按电缆轴上箭头指示方向滚动。如无箭头时,可按电缆

缠绕方向滚动,切不可反缠绕方向滚运,以免电缆松弛。Use truck or crane to transport cables. Roll cable-axis according to direction indicated by arrow sign on it. In Long-distance transportation, use truck or crane to transport heavy cable trays. If without the arrow sign, roll it according to its wrapping direction. 2) 电缆支架的架设地点应选好,以敷设方便为准,一般应在电缆起止点附近为宜。架设时,应注意

电缆轴的转动方向,电缆引出端应在电缆轴的上方。电缆放线架应放置稳妥,钢轴的强度和长度应与电缆盘重量和宽度相配合。敷设电缆的机具应检查并调试正常,电缆盘应有可靠的制动措施。Select a proper set-up place as per convenient to pave. Generally place it near the start or end point of cable. Be aware of rolling direction of cable axle, and keep pay-off-rack steady. Cable rack should be placed securely, and the steel shaft intensity and length should match the cable tray weight and width. Check and debug the cable laying and have reliable brake devices

5.2.2 卷扬机与滑轮的布置 Winch and Pulley Arrangement

在线路的另一端布置好卷扬机,并准备好滑轮,约1.5~2m布置一个平面滑轮,每个转角布置一个转角滑轮,并每隔20~30m安排一个工人看护。卷扬机用地锚固定,转角滑轮用钢管固定,平面滑轮无需固定。Arrange a winch and pulleys at the end of the line. Arrange one planar pulley every 1.5~2m, a quarter block at each corner and a watch- out worker every20 ~ 30m .Windlass is fixed with ground anchor corner and pulley with steel pipes; flat pulleys do not need fixing. 电缆架与卷扬机布置见下图: Cable rack and winch arrangement see below: 35KV:


5.3 电缆展放Lay-off Cable

1) 电缆展放可用人力拉引或机械牵引。当采用机械牵引时,用机械的最大牵引强度宜满足下表的规

定,其速度不宜超过15m/min,且应在牵引头或钢丝网套与牵引钢缆之间装设防捻器。 Use manual or mechanical traction. When using mechanical traction, the maximum mechanical strength should meet the requirements in Table, its speed should not exceed 15m/min, and should install fortified twister between traction head or steel mesh sleeve and pulling steel cable.

Cable maximum traction strength (N/mm2)


牵引方式traction 牵引头traction head 钢丝网套steel mesh sleeve 铅套 lead sheath 塑料护套plastic sheath 受力部位 force area 铜芯 lead core 铝芯aluminum core 铝套aluminum sheath 允许牵引强度allowable traction strength 70 40 10 40 7 本次采用机械牵引,采用钢丝网套直接塑料护套方式,按表计算允许最大牵引强度: The

mechanical traction uses aluminum and plastic sheath. Calculate allowable maximum traction strength: 35KV电缆:300mm2的单芯电缆,其允许最大牵引强度:

35KV cable: 300mm2 single cable, the allowable maximum traction strength:



10KV cable: 95mm2 three-core armored cable, lead sheath, the allowable maximum traction strength:



185mm2 three-core armored cable, lead sheath, the allowable maximum traction strength:


2)牵引力和侧压力计算:Traction and lateral pressure calculation:

侧压力计算公式为:The calculating formula lateral pressure: P=T/R


Where: P for lateral pressure (N / m); T for traction (N); R for the bend radius (m) 水平直线牵引时:Horizontal straight line traction T=9.8μWL

式中:μ为摩擦系数,在滚轮上牵引时取0.1~0.2; Where: μ is friction coefficient, wheel traction is 0.1 ~ 0.2 W为电缆每米重量(kg/m);L为电缆长度(m) W is cable per meter weight (kg / m); L is cable length (m)

实际施工中,考虑实际情况,μ取0.12,R1取0.5m ,R2取1.3m, R3取1.5m

The actual construction should consider actual circumstances, μ takes 0.12, R1 takes 0.5m, R2 takes 1.3m, R3 takes 1.5m

35KV W1=8900kg/m3*300*10-6m2*1m+1.5kg=4.17kg 10KV W2=8900kg/m3*95*3*10-6m2*1m+1.5kg=4.04kg



T2=F2=2850N,则L2=2850/(9.8*0.12*4.04)=600m T3=F3=5550N,则L3=5550/(9.8*0.12*6.44)=733m P1=2100/0.5=4200N P2=2850/1.3=2192N P3=5550/1.5=3700N

所以,采用塑料护套直接拉动电缆时,35KV电缆每次允许拉428m电缆,其侧压力为4200N;10KV 95mm2的电缆每次允许拉600m,其侧压力为2192N;10KV 185mm2的电缆每次允许拉733m,其侧压力为3700N。Therefore, pull the cable with plastic sheath. Each time the allowable length of 35KV cable is 428m and its lateral pressure is 4200N; 10KV 95mm2 cable is 600m and 2192N and 10KV 185mm2 cable is 733m and 3700N.

3)电缆展放时,电缆应从盘的上端引出,不应使电缆在地面摩擦拖拉。电缆上不得有铠装压扁、电缆绞拧、护层折裂等未消除的机械损伤。Pull cable from the upper plate to avoid friction on the

ground. Armored cable may not be crushed. Do not have cable twisted, retaining layer fracture and other not eliminated mechanical damage. 4)人员合理配备。每隔20~30m有一个人来注意电缆拉动情况;在每过路管前后应安排人员看护,

同一过路管中第二根电缆开始穿管时,钢丝绳与电缆连接处套上热缩管;电缆转角处有人看护,跟随电缆头行走人员通过对讲机来指挥操作卷扬机工作人员。Reasonably arrange personnel. At intervals of 20 ~ 30m have persons to note cable pulling; Around each crossing pipe arrange workers to watch and sheathe heat-shrinkable tube at the joint between the steel line and cable when the second cable threads in the same crossing tube. Watch the cable corner, and worker along the head part of cable uses interphone to command the pulley operators. 5) 每根电缆敷设好后,在电缆两端做好临时标示,以分清电缆回路及黄、绿、红三相。Make

temporary signs at both ends of cables. Identify cable loop and yellow, green, red phases.

5.4 电缆敷设、固定Cable Laying and Fixing


处、垂直位差处均应留有适当的余变。Cable bend radius should meet specifications, and pull cable in the trench should have appropriate snake-like bend. Leave appropriate laying surplus at ends, middle joints, threading, vertical potentiometer etc. 2)电缆之间,电缆与其它管道、道路、建筑物等之间平行和交叉时的最小净距,应满足规范的要

求。The minimum parallel and cross spacing between cables or between cables and other pipeline ,roads, buildings, etc. should meet the specification requirements. 3)电缆与现有电缆交叉时,满足规范要求,保持足够间距。Crossovering the existing cables to meet

the regulatory requirements and maintain adequate spacing. 4)同一回路的三根单芯电缆用尼龙扎带品字型捆扎,捆扎间距不大于1.5m。同一电缆沟内敷设的

不同回路的电缆中心间距为20cm。Three single-core cables of the same loop should be bundled a triangle type with nylon belts with bundling spacing not more than 1.5m. The center spacing of different circuits in the same cable trench is 20cm. 5)冬季敷设电缆,温度达不到规范要求时,应将电缆提前加温。In winter, when the temperature can

not meet regulatory requirements, the cable should be heated in advance. 6)电缆敷设应设置联络指挥系统,宜以无线电对讲机联络,手持扩音喇叭指挥。The cable laying

should set command contact system, contact with radio walkie-talkie and hand-held loud-speakers.

六. 覆砂盖砖Spread Sand and Cover Bricks

1) 电缆敷设完毕,应请建设单位、监理及质量监督部门作隐蔽工程验收,作好记录、签字。Ask

construction unit, supervision and quality supervision departments accept concealed project, make records and do the signature. 2) 电缆上面与电缆下面一样,覆盖10cm砂土或软土,然后用砖或电缆盖板将电缆盖好,覆盖宽度

应超过电缆两侧5cm。Spread 10cm sand or soft soil above or below cable and cover with bricks or boards with width more than 5cm of both sides.

七. 回填土Backfill Earth

1) 直埋电缆回填土前,应经隐蔽工程验收合格。Prior to Buried cable backfill shall be accepted. 2) 回填土应及时并分层夯实。The backfill should be timely layered and compacted.

八. 埋标桩Burying Stake

电缆在拐弯、接头、交叉,进出建筑物等地段应设明显的方位标桩。电缆直线段每隔50-100m处应加设间距适当的路径标桩。标桩应牢固,标志应清晰,标桩露出地面以15cm为宜。Set clear direction stake on cable turning, joints, cross, access to buildings and other sites. Set appropriate path stake at intervals of 50-100m. Stake should be fixed with 15cm above the ground and signs should be clear.

九. 挂标志牌Hanging signs

1) 标志牌规格应一致,并有防腐性能,挂装应牢固。The signs shall be the same size, have antiseptic

properties, and mounted hanging shall be firmly. 2) 标志牌上应注明电缆编号、规格、型号及电压等级。The signs should indicate cable numbers,

specifications, models and voltage level. 3) 直埋电缆进出建筑物及电缆终端头应挂标志牌。Buried cable access to buildings and cable

termination heads should hang signs. 4) 电缆标志牌同时应遵循业主标准。Cable signs follow owner standard.

十. 质量控制Quality Control 10.1 主控项目Master Items

1) 电缆的耐压试验结果,泄漏电流和绝缘电阻必须符合施工规范规定。The cable voltage test results,

leakage current and insulation resistance must comply with the provisions of the construction specifications.

检验方法:检查试验记录。Test Method: Check test records.

2) 电缆敷设必须符合以下规定:电缆严禁有绞拧、铠装压扁、护层断裂和表面严重划伤等缺损,

直埋敷设时,严禁在管道上面或下面平行敷设。The cable laying must meet the following requirements: Strictly prohibit twist, armored squash, sheath fracture and severe lacerations and other surface defects. Forbid parallel pipeline laying.

检验方法:观察检查和检查隐蔽工程记录。Testing method: Observe examination and check concealed work records

10.2 一般项目General Items

1) 坐标和标高正确,排列整齐,标志桩和标志牌设置准确;防燃、隔热和防腐要求的电缆保护措施

完整。Coordinate and elevation should be correct and arrange neatly. Set up sign stake and signboard accurately; take protection flame proof, heat insulation and corrosion matures.

2) 电缆的埋置深度应符合下列要求:①电缆表面距地面的距离不应小于0.8m,且电缆应埋在冻土层

以下。②在电缆引入建筑物、与地下建筑物交叉及绕过地下建筑物处等受条件限制时,可浅埋,但应采取保护措施。The depth of buried cables should meet the following requirements: ① The distance from cable surface to ground should be not less than 0.8m, and the cables should be buried below the permafrost. ② Bury shallowly if being restricted by the condition to pass the building and bypass and crossover underground structures, but should take protective measures. 3) 直埋电缆铺砂盖板或砖时应防止不清除沟内杂物、不用细砂细土、盖板或砖不严,有遗漏部分,

施工负责人应加强检查。Clean up debris, spread fine sand and soil sands, cover boards or bricks tightly and strengthen inspections on missing part. 4) 电缆进入室内电缆沟时,防止套管防水处理不好,沟内进水。应严格按规范和工艺要求施工。

When cables are laid in indoor trench, prevent casing for poor waterproof handling. Work in strict accordance with specifications and process requirements. 5) 有麻皮保护层的电缆进入室内,防止不作剥麻刷油防腐处理。Do not use stripping hemp brush oil if

bark protective layer cables are laid indoor.

检验方法:观察检查和检查隐蔽工程记录及坐标图。Testing method: observe examination and check concealed works records and coordinate diagram.

十一. 成品保护Finished Protection

1) 直埋电缆施工不宜过早,一般在其它室外工程基本完工后进行,防止其它地下工程施工时损伤电

缆。如已提前将电缆敷设完,其它地下工程施工时,应加强巡视。The buried cable construction should not be too early. Generally carry out after the completion of outdoor works to prevent being damaged by other underground works. Step up inspection if completed before other underground works. 2) 直埋电缆敷设完后,应立即铺砂、盖板或砖及回填夯实,防止其它重物损伤电缆。并及时划出竣

工图,标明电缆的实际走向方位坐标及敷设深度。Spread sands, cover boards or bricks and backfill after cable pulling to prevent being damaged by heavy objects. Draw completion drawing timely and show the actual coordinates position and laying depth. 3) 电缆两端头处的门窗装好,并加锁,防止电缆丢失或损毁。

Install doors and windows and lock on cable both ends, to prevent loss or damage.

十二. 质量记录Quality Record

12.1 质量保证资料Quality Assurance Information 1) 电缆产品合格证 Cable product certification

2) 电缆绝缘摇测记录或耐压试验记录Cable insulation test rolling or voltage withstand records 3) 隐蔽工程验收记录Concealed project acceptance

12.2 施工记录Construction of Record

1) 自互检记录。 Self and mutual inspection records

2) 电缆工程分项质量检验评定记录。Cable engineering sub-item quality inspection and evaluation

records 3) 分项工程验收记录。Sub-project acceptance records 4) 电缆走向实测图。Alignment measure map

十三. 安全生产、文明施工要求和措施 Safety and Civilized Construction Requests and


1) 坚持贯彻国家劳动法规政策和公司现行安全规章制度,采取切实可行的预防措施,杜绝安全事故

发生,进入施工现场必须统一着装,正确使用个人劳保用品(劳保鞋、保护眼睛、手套、安全帽)。在施工过程中要精力集中,服从指挥,听从调遣,确保安全生产。National labor laws and the existing company safety regulations must be adhered, take practical precautions to prevent security incidents, access to the construction site must wear uniform and use personal security objects, i.e., safety shoes, T-shirts, safety glasses and helmets. Focus on construction, obey command and disposal to ensure safety. 2) 实行持证上岗操作制度,特殊工种操作人员必须持有特殊工种操作证,严禁无证操作,并及时做

好登记。不断改善劳动条件,认真做好每个施工人员的劳动保护措施。To implement certified operating system, special types of work must have a permit to operate. Those without certificate are not allowed to enter site, records must be made. Continuously improve the working conditions and keep the safety measures for each worker. 3) 所有工作机具都经过业主验收合格后,贴上标签,方可使用。All equipment should be inspected,

accepted by owner and be labeled. 4) 电缆沟开挖直到回填土完工,应尽可能地均衡、连续施工,缩短工期;在有行人的场所内施工,

电缆沟开挖后应有警示牌及维护。Construct in a balanced and continuous way to shorten the period between cable trench excavation and backfill; There should be warning signs and maintenance on pedestrian area. 5) 现场禁止吸烟,班前班中严禁饮酒。No smoking and alcohol during working period.

6) 施工前做好技术交底和安全交底,对工人讲明工作中的安全注意事项,并做好JHA。Do

technical and security clarification to the workers about security precautions and make a JHA.. 7) 总安全方案将遵循管理公司安全方案和业主的安全规定。The security plan should follow the safety

