

2022-05-15 来源:好走旅游网


题 目 学生成绩管理系统的设计与实现

学生姓名 专业班级

学 号

院 (系) 软件学院


完成时间 文献翻译



出处:/ 2006—7—1 / 中国电力出版社




C#编程语言是为开发微软公司的.NET框架上的程序而设计的。本章将简要介绍.NET从何而来,以及它的基本架构。这只是为了确保你从正确的一步开始,让我借此机会提醒你一件可能显面易见的事情:C#的发音为see sharp。


在20世纪90年代后期,使用微软平台的Windows编程分化成许多分支。大多数程序员在使用Visual Basic(VB)、C或C++。一些C和C++程序员在使用纯Win32 APl,但大多数人在使用MFC(Microsoft Found撕on Classes,微软基础类库)。其他人已经转向了COM(Component ObjectMdodel,组件对象模型).

所有这些技术都有自己的问题。纯Win32 APl不是面向对象的,而且使用它的工作量比使用VIFC的更大。MFC是面向对象的,但是它却不一致,并逐渐变得陈旧.COM虽然






.NET Framework称为公共语言运行库(CLR)或。NET运行库。它的核心是其运行库的执行环境.通常将在CLR的控制下运行的代码称为托管代码(managed code)。在CLR执行开发的源代码之前,需要编译它们为中间语言(IL),CLR再把IL编译为平台专用的代码。

程序集(assembly)是包含编译好的,面向。NET Framework的代码的逻辑单元.















如,有两个同名函数:function func(p:integer):integer; 和function func(p:string):integer;。











方法参数上的 out 方法参数关键字使方法引用传递到方法的同一个变量。


当希望方法返回多个值时,声明 out 方法非常有用。

使用 out 参数的方法仍然可以返回一个值。一个方法可以有一个以上的 out 参数。

若要使用 out 参数,必须将参数作为 out 参数显式传递到方法。out 参数的值不会传递到 out 参数。

不必初始化作为 out 参数传递的变量。然而,必须在方法返回之前为 out 参数赋值。

属性不是变量,不能作为 out 参数传递。

方法参数上的 ref 方法参数关键字使方法引用传递到方法的同一个变量。


若要使用 ref 参数,必须将参数作为 ref 参数显式传递到方法。

ref 参数的值被传递到 ref 参数。 传递到 ref 参数的参数必须最先初始化。

将此方法与 out 参数相比,后者的参数在传递到 out 参数之前不必显式初始化。

属性不是变量,不能作为 ref 参数传递.





Design and implementation of student achievement management system

Document translation

Aiming at the problem of daily software development, design pattern provides an elegant, generic and reusable solutions。 Programmers can through the object design pattern organization program, making it easier to write and modify。 This book is a practical guide to the design patterns, to help you with the most common pattern to write C# program. ”The C# design pattern (with CD—ROM)” by JamesW。Cooper, first of all be concise and to the point introduces C#, object—oriented programming, inheritance and UML graph, and then describes 23 kinds of design patterns and application occasions of each chapter, and expounds the patterns in large design function. Each kind of model usage are equipped with corresponding example demonstration program, the program included in the CD—ROM with book matching, can be directly run, test, edit and use。

Introduction to c#

C# programming language is the。NET framework for the development of the Microsoft Corp on the program design。 This chapter will briefly introduce the.NET come from, and its basic architecture. Just to make sure you start from a step in the right direction, let me take this opportunity to remind you of a possible

significant surface easy to see things: C, pronounced see sharp。

Windows programming in the late 90 century 1。1.120

In the late nineteen ninties, using Microsoft platform Windows programming differentiation into many branches。 Most programmers use Visual Basic (VB), C or C + +。 Some of the C and C + + programmers in the use of pure Win32 to APl, but most people in the use of MFC (Microsoft Found on Classes tear, Microsoft Foundation Class Library). Other people have turned to the COM (Component, ObjectMdodel, component object model).

All of these technologies have their own problems. Win32 APl is not a pure object oriented, and use its workload is bigger than the use of VIFC。 MFC is object oriented, but it is not consistent, and gradually become obsolete. Although COM is simple in concept, but the actual code it's complex, low-level code and need a lot of ugly, indecent.

Another disadvantage of all these programming techniques are mainly for the desktop application and development is not Intemet. Then, Web programming or after things, and looks very different from coding for the desktop.

[。NET (C#)]

Translate attribute into characteristic, used to identify the class, method

The property translated into property, property, used for field access class

Translating markup tag, tag label or translated into better

[.NET (C#)]

The core of。NET Framework is its runtime execution environment。

Known as the common language runtime (CLR) or the.NET runtime.

Usually will run under the control of the CLR code known as managed code (managed code)。

Before the CLR implementation of the development of the source code, to compile them into intermediate language (IL), CLR and IL compiled into a platform specific code。

The assembly (assembly) is compiled, logic unit for the。NET Framework code。

The executable code and database code using the same assembly structure.

An important characteristic of the assembly’s metadata they contain describes the type and method definitions corresponding code.

[。NET (C#)]

ASP pages are sometimes slower, because the server—side code is interpreted not compiled。

Because the ASP code is not structured so difficult to maintain, and ASP does not support error handling and grammar check.

While the ASP。NET page is structured。 Each page is a successor to the。NET System。Web。UI.Page class。

In addition to background coding function ASP。NET to allow further using a structured way。

The page request is compiled and WEB server in the ASP.NET cache page。

[。NET (C#)]

Cover (override) and heavy (overload):

Coverage means that subclasses redefine the virtual function of the parent class method.

Overloading, refers to allow multiple functions with the same name, and the parameters of these functions are different (perhaps the number of parameters are different, perhaps different parameter types, maybe both are different)。

In fact, the concept of ”heavy load does not belong to the object oriented


Heavy load: the compiler implementation is according to the parameter table function different, the name of the functions with the same name as modification

Then these functions with the same name as the different function (at least for the compiler).

For example, there are two functions with the same name: function func (p:integer): integer; and function func (p:string): integer;。

Then the compiler had modified the function name may be this: int_func, str_func.

For the two function calls, the compiler have been identified, is static (remember: static)。

That is to say, their address is bound at compile time (early binding),

Therefore, overloading and polymorphism! The real and polymorphism is related to the \"cover”。

When the class to define virtual functions the parent class, the parent class pointer according to assign it to the different sub class pointer, dynamic (remember: dynamic!) The function call belongs to the subclass,

This function calls cannot be determined at compile time (virtual function call subclass addresses cannot be given).

Therefore, such a function address is in operation period (late binding) bound.

The conclusion is: heavy just a language feature, and polymorphism, it has nothing to do with the object oriented!

[.NET (C#)]

The difference between ref and out in C#:

The out method parameters on the parameters of keyword method reference to the same variable method。

When control passes back to the calling method, any changes made to the parameter in the method will be reflected in the variable。

When you want to return multiple values, the out method is very useful statement.

Methods using the out parameter can still return a value. A method can be
