

2020-11-06 来源:好走旅游网
FDM Tracking Number : FDM 跟 踪 号: Customer Number : 客 户 编 号: Customer Response Due Date : 客 户 响 应 预 定 日 期: 跟踪进展, 标出完成日期 STEP/步骤 0 Problem Solving Document (PSD) 问 题 解 决 报 告 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Track Progress, indicate completion date ACTION 措施 Awareness 认 识 Team 小 组 Chart 图 表 Contain 遏 制 Diagnose 分 析 Action 行 动 Verify 验 证 Prevent 预 防 Closure 关 闭 草图 Sketch . 0 A Part (+Number) : 零件(+号) Problem Awareness 识别问题 Deviation : 偏差 Root Cause known yet (check ECHO)? And verified? 是否已知根本原因(检查ECHO)?是否已被验证? Is eliminating the root cause realistic right now? 是否可立即消除根本原因? Immediate containment actions required / taken? 要求/已经采取即时遏制措施? Standard / Spec. 标准/ 技术要求 JCI Witness(es) : JCI见证人 Quantity found / Quantity checked : 发现数量/检查数量 Actual 实际 Detail of problem 问题详述 再次发生的问题? 是 / 否 (选一项) (What exactly do we see, feel, hear and smell?) (我们确实看见、感觉、听见和嗅到的?) Recurring Issue? Yes / No (circle one) If yes add old PSD 如是,附原问题解决报告 Rank = 1 2 3 (circle one) 等级 = (选一项) Rank 1 = 等级 Safety item or due to part complete vehicle out of std. 安全项或由零件而导致的整车超标。 Product: Safety / Regulations / Functional / Comfort / Appear. Rank 2 = 产品特性:安全性 / 法律法规 / 功能性 / 舒适性 / 外观 Non-product: Quantity / Sequence / Service / Documents 等级 Rank 3 = 非产品特性:数量 / 排序 / 服务 / 文件 (选一项) 等级 Others/其它: (circle one) Part out of standard, vehicle in standard. 零件超标,整车符合标准。 Part/Vehicle in standard but show variation or need improvement(s) 零件/整车符合标准,但有变差或需要改进。 Make first draft of the IS / IS NOT worksheet (page 2) and get a better understanding of the problem. Now you can invite the right people. 生成是什么/不是什么工作表(第2页)的草稿,以对问题有更好的理解。现在可以邀请合适的人员加入: 1 A Define the Team 确定小组 Function 职务 1 B Closure & Sign off (see section 8B) Date 日期 Name 姓名 签名关闭 (见步骤 8B) Signature 签名 FDM-DM/ Rev 02 01/00 © 0 B IS / IS NOT Worksheet 是什么/不是什么工作表 Base all answers on facts only, write NMD (need more data) when facts are not available (yet). Add supporting documents. 只在事实的基础上作答,如事实(尚)不存在则填入NMD(需要更多资料)。附加支持性文件。 IS/是什么 What part (system) has the problem? IS NOT/不是什么 What are the DIFFERENCES? 差 异 是 什 么? What did CHANGE? 什 么 改 变 了? Potential CAUSES 潜 在 原 因 Test Causes 原因试测 1 • 2 • 3 • What/ 什 么 什么零件(系统)有问题? What are the most similar parts without the problem? 什么是最相似的零件,但没有问题? What is the deviation? 偏差是什么? What other deviation on the part could you expect? (if present add in the left column) 预计零件还会有什么其它偏差?(如发现加在左栏) 1 • 2 • 3 • Where was the part when the deviation was detected the first time? 当偏差第一次发现时,零件在什么地方? Where else could the deviation be detected? (if detected add in the left column) 在其它什么地方可能发现偏差?(如发现加在左栏) 1 • 2 • 3 • Where/ 何 处 Where on the part did the deviation occur? 偏差发生在零件的什么地方? What are the adjacent locations on the part or the adjacent parts without the deviation? 在零件上的什么邻近位置或什么相邻的零件没有偏差? 1 • 2 • 3 • When was the deviation first noticed? (in calendar time and in the “life cycle”) What earlier date and/or phase could the problem occur? (if detected add in the left column) 问题可能发生在什么更早日期和/或阶段?(如发现加在左栏) 1 • 2 • 3 • When/ 何 时 什么时候偏差被第一次通知?(在有效时间和“寿命周期”内) What is the pattern? (one time event, stable, increasing, decreasing, random or cyclical) ? 模式是什么样的?(一次性的、稳定的、增长的、减少的、随机的或循环的)? Since the detection, what other occurrence could you expect? 偏差发现后,你预计会有什么其它情况发生? 1 • 2 • 3 • Extend/ 扩 展 How many parts have the deviation (number and ppm’s)? 多少零件有偏差(数量和PPM)? Who is affected yet? How much did it cost so far? Will it increase, decrease or stabilize by itself? 谁仍被影响?至今花费了多少?就其单独而言是否将增加、减少或保持稳定? How many more or less could you expect? 比你估计的多或少多少? 1 • 2 • 3 • What could be worse / better, under what circumstances? 在什么情况下,什么会更坏/更好? 1 • 2 • 3 •

2 Define Measurement(s) and Overview Trend Chart 明确量度和概略趋势图 What characteristic and what reporting unit: (ex. length in mm according spec. …. or ippm or …) What time period: 什么特性和什么报告单位:________(如:根据技术要求的长度单位mm,…或ippm或… ) 什么时间周期: (use this chart for a general overview) back-up with detailed charts where possible What is the goal: (ex.140 , 0 ippm) Use trend chart to track occurrences. Indicate with “C” when containment - and “P” when permanent actions are implemented.(add line number from the action plan in section 5) Start with a summary of the available history and continue until the final Sign-off (see section 8) (利用此图作为大体了解)如可能保留详细图表 什么是目标:__________(如:140+/-2mm, 0 ippm)。利用趋势图跟踪事件发生。在采取遏制措施时标明“C”-而在执行永久性措施后标明“P”。 (将步骤5措施计+/- 2mm划中的编号加在线上) 从可得到的过去历史的汇总开始,并一直持续到最终签名结束_(见步骤8) Q T Y ________ ______________________________ ________ ______________________________ 数 量 ________ ______________________________ ________ ______________________________

When /何时 C/P action # /C/P措施编号 QTY in Plant /在工厂的数量 QTY in Transit /运输中的数量 QTY at customer /客户处的数量 TOTAL /总计 QTY made /生产数量 3 Contain symptoms 遏制症状 Containment actions/遏制措施: List the containment actions taken so far (actions that prevented the parts to escape toward the customer) Add existing list if possible Verify their effectiveness /列出已采取的遏制措施(防止产品流到客户处的措施) 如可能增加现有的清单,验证其有效性。 If required list additional actions in section 5 and 6 /如要求,在步骤5和6中列出增加的措施。

4 Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析 How Made? /如何产生 List occurrence cause / path this side Why Shipped? /为何发运 List escape cause / path this side 在这边列出发生原因/方式 在这边列出流出原因/方式 Man 人 Machine 机 Man 人 Machine 机 Problem /问题   Circle the most likely causes (max. 3) from each side above. /从上述两侧中圈出最有可能的原因(最多3个)。  For the 3 best causes of the left side (How made), stair-step by asking why as long as you get more precise information. Probably you found the root-causes. 对于左侧(如何产生)的3个最好的原因,一旦有了更精确的信息就逐级问为什么。或许你会找到根本原因。  Number the 3 most likely root-causes and check if they can explain all differences and changes by using the last column on the IS / IS NOT worksheet. 给3个最有可能的根本原因编号,并通过使用是什么/不是什么工作表的最后一列检查它们是否能解释所有的差异和变化。  For the right side (Why Shipped), check if the root causes are addressed in the containment actions. /对于右侧(为何发运),检查是否根本原因已在遏制措施中提到。 Method 法 Material 料 Method 法 Material 料 5 Select Corrective actions 选择纠正措施 6 Implement, Verify and Validate Actions 实施、验证和确认措施 N° 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fault / Item 缺陷 / 项目 Action identified 明确措施 Containment / Permanent countermeasure 遏制 / 永久性措施 Action 措施 C or P C 或 P How to Verify 如何验证 Verify Date Plan 验证日 期计划 Validat. Validat. Team Plan Actual Member Responsible 确认 计实际 确小组成员职责 划 认 Action validated 措施确认 Status 状态 10 11 12 13

Action implemented, verification in progress /措施实施,在进程中验证 progress/措施验证,在进程中确认 Action verified, validation in Definitions : VERIFY = Prove intended outcome 定义 验证 = 证明意料中的结果

VALIDATE = Confirm and agree effectiveness over time 确认 = 证实和认定在所有时候有效 7 7A Prevent Occurrence in Similar Cases or Future Reoccurrence /防止在类似情况下发生或今后的再次发生 List similar products / systems with the potential for the same defect. /列出潜在的有相同缺陷的产品 / 系统。 Begin a new Problem Solving Document for each /为每个缺陷启用一个新的问题解决报告 Process过程 / Item项目 Responsibility职责 PSD # / Planned Validation Date 问题解决报告编号 / 计划确认日期 7B Review the following /检查如下所列 Attach copies of the revised documents. /修改的文件要有复印件 Shade if necessary /如需要用阴影 Quality Alert 质量警告 ODS 作业指导书 Control Plan 控制计划 Flow Diagram 流程图 Process Change Request 工艺更改请求 Inspection Standard 检验标准 Change Authorization 更改许可 PFMEA / DFMEA 过程FEMA / 设计FEMA Customer Part Submission/顾客零件提交 BOS change proposal form/BOS更改提议表 Other/其它: All relevant BOS procedures consulted 参考所有相关的BOS程序 ECHO Responsibility职责 Review Completion Date检查完成日期 Planned计划的 Actual实际的              8A Product Change Management, Current Production Part Change, Production Process Change, Production Set-Up, Final Product Audit, Incoming Inspections, BOS Change Management 产品更改管理、现生产零件更改、生产过程更改、生产准备、最终产品审核、进货检验、 BOS更改管理 Contact your ECHO champion if the solution might be relevant for other locations /如果问题解决与其它公司有关,联系你的ECHO支持者。 Follow-up Meetings 8B Closure & Sign-Off 关闭和签名 (See section 1b, all members must sign) (见步骤1b,所有成员必须签名) Check box at the earliest 30 working days after all permanent actions are implemented. 在永久性措施执行后最近的30天内检查下框。 跟踪会议 Attach meeting minutes for all meetings 附所有会议纪要 Date日期 Time时间 Place地点   Open Issues - not completed / 开口问题 - 未完成 No issues / 没有问题 Verification by Management/管理层验证 Title/职务 Signature/签名 Date/日期 8C Team Recognition Customer Consensus/客户同意 Title/职务 Signature/签名 Date/日期 小组表扬 When何时__________________ Where何处__________________ How如何__________________
