Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) Ouyang Xiu
All flowers have passed away, West Lake is quiet; The fallen blooms run riot. Catkins from willow trees
Beyond the railings fly all day, fluffy in breezes. Flute songs no longer sung and sightseers gone, I begin to feel spring along. Lowering the blinds in vain,
I see a pair of swallows come back in the rain.
六年级英语小诗歌篇二 苏轼 《西江月》 照野弥弥浅浪,
横空隐隐层霄。 障泥未解玉骢骄, 我欲醉眠芳草。 可惜一溪风月, 莫教踏碎琼瑶。 解鞍欹枕绿杨桥, 杜宇一声春晓。
The Moon over the West River Su Shi
Wavelet on wavelet glimmers by the shore; Cloud on cloud dimly appears in the sky. Unsaddled is my white-jadelike horse; Drunk, asleep in the sweet grass I'll lie. My horse's hoofs may break, I'm afraid, The breeze-rippled brook paved by moonlit jade. I tether my horse to a bough of green willow Near the bridge where I pillow
My head on arms and sleep till the cuckoo's song awakes A spring daybreak.
六年级英语小诗歌篇三 王安石 《晚楼闲坐》
四顾山光接水光,凭栏十里芰荷香。 清风明月无人管,并作南来一味凉。
Sitting on the Tower Wang An Shih
Looking around the flashy scenes of hills linked to water, Leaning on rail I feel lotus fragrance in the ten-li area; None bothers me under a shining moon and the fresh breeze, Together I do enjoy more cool waves coming from the south.
六年级英语小诗歌篇四 陆游---《关山月》
和戎诏下十五年,将军不战空临边。 朱门沉沉按歌舞,厩马肥死弓断弦。 戍楼刁斗催落月,三十从军今白发。 笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。 中原干戈古亦闻,岂有逆胡传子孙! 遗民忍死望恢复,几处令宵垂泪痕。 Border Mountain Moon Lu You
Fifteen years ago the edict came: peace with the invader; our generals fight no more but idly guard the border. Vermilion gates still and silent; inside they sing and dance; stabled horses fatten and die, bows come unstrung.
From garrison towers the beat of kettles hurries the sinking moon;
lads who joined the troops at twenty, white-haired now.
In the sound of the flutes who will read the brave man's heart? Above the sands emptily shining, moon on warrior bones. Spear-clash on the central plain — this we've known from old. But have traitorous barbarians live to see their heirs? Our captive people, forbearing death, pine for release, even tonight how many places stained with their tears?