课程编号:151293A Course Code: 151293A 课程类型:专业必修课
Course Type: Major compulsory course 总学时:Period: 48 学分:Credits: 3
适用对象:金融学(金融经济) Applicable Majors: Finance(Finance and Economics Experiment Class) 先修课程:微观经济学、微积分、概率论与数理统计
Preparatory Courses: Microeconomics, Calculus, Probability and Mathematical Statistics.
一、 课程的教学目标
本课程是对不确定性下的个人微观行为及均衡资产价格的分析。本课程旨在帮助学生理解经济中个体在不确定性下如何做决策,如何通过金融工具规避风险,以及在均衡中金融资产如何定价。学完本课程后,学生应该对金融中的基本概念很好的掌握,可以解决有约束的最优化问题,以及推导均衡的资产价格。本课程为以后的衍生资产定价和更高级的金融课程提供基础。 This course carries on the microeconomic analysis to uncertainty. It aims to help students to understand how individuals make choice under uncertainty, how individuals could hedge risks through financial instruments, and how financial
assets are priced in equilibrium. Upon completion of this course, students should have solid understanding of basic concepts in finance, solve constrained optimization problem under uncertainty, and derive the equilibrium asset price. This course gives students preparation for derivative pricing and more advanced finance courses.
二、 教学的基本要求
This course provides analytical tools to model individual decision making under uncertainty, risk aversion, measurement of risk, optimal portfolio choice and asset pricing. The emphases will be on concepts of risk aversion, risk compensation, and risk, and on the techniques to solve optimal portfolio, to do comparative statics, to derive Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage Pricing
Theory. One potential challenge of this course is the extensive use of calculus and abstract reasoning. However, many concrete examples will be provided to illustrate the intuition of basic concepts and how to apply techniques to solve a model. Homework represents an important part of this course. Each chapter will be followed by one homework, which will be done by groups. Homework is designed to complement lecture notes, including calculation of concrete examples and proof of some statements in lecture notes. The grades include three parts, homework, midterm exam, final exam. Homework counts for 16% of the final grade, midterm exam counts for 24% of the final grade, and final exam counts for 60% of the final grade.
序号 1 章节内容 期望效用理论 Expected Utility Theory 2 风险厌恶 Risk Aversion 3 风险 Risk 4 预算约束 Budget Constraint 3 6 6 讲课 3 实验 其他 Homework 1 Homework 2 Homework 3 Homework 4 合计 5 一个风险资产的最优资产组合 Optimal Portfolio with one risky asset 6 Homework 5 6 多个风险资产的最优资产组合 Optimal Portfolio with 6 Homework 6 many risky assets 7 均值-方差投资分析 Mean-Variance Portfolio Analysis 8 资本资产定价模型 Capital Asset Pricing Model 9 套利定价模型 Arbitrage Pricing Theory 合计
CHAPTER I: Expected utility theory 第一节消费者效用理论
48 6 Homework 9 6 Homework 8 6 Homework 7 PART 1 Basic Preference Theory 第二节期望效用理论
PART 2 Expected Utility Theory
教学重点、难点:偏好的效用函数表示,和期望效用的计算。 Key Points: utility function representation of preferences, and calculation of
expected utility for a lottery.
Requirement: understand when a preference can be represented by a utility
function, master the calculation of expected utility for a lottery.
CHAPTER 2: Risk aversion 第一节风险厌恶定义
PART 1 Definition of risk aversion 第二节风险厌恶与效用函数凹性
PART 2 Risk aversion and concavity of utility function 第三节风险厌恶与风险补偿
PART 3 Risk aversion and risk compensation 第四节风险厌恶的比较
PART 4 Comparative risk aversion 第五节经典效用函数
PART 5 Classical utility functions
Key Points: different measures of risk aversion and their equivalence, computation of the corresponding risk aversion given a utility function.
Requirement: understand different measures risk aversion and their equivalence, master the definition of risk aversion and the calculation of risk aversion index.
第三章风险 CHAPTER 3 Risk 第一节风险定义
PART 1 Definition of Risk 第二节风险与风险厌恶 PART 2 Risk and risk aversion 第三节风险与方差 PART 3 Risk and variance
Key Points: the definition of risk, its relation with risk aversion, and its
difference from variance.
Requirement: understand the relation between risk and with risk aversion, master the definition of risk, and its difference from variance.
CHAPTER 4 Budget constraint 第一节资产 PART 1 Assets 第二节无套利价格
PART 2 Non arbitrage prices 第三节投资组合限制 PART 3 Portfolio restrictions
Key Points: the representation of an asset, the definition of non arbitrage. 课程的考核要求:理解资产的表示,掌握无套利的定义。
Requirement: understand the representation of an asset, master the definition of non arbitrage.
CHAPTER 5 Optimal portfolio with one risky asset
PART 1 Portfolio choice problem 第二节最优投资组合 PART 2 Optimal portfolio 第三节风险溢价最优投资组合
PART 3 Risk premium and optimal portfolio 第四节最优投资组合比较静态分析
PART 4 Comparative statics of optimal portfolio
Key Points: solve the optimal portfolio, and its comparative statics.
Requirement: master how to solve the optimal portfolio, and its comparative statics.
CHAPTER 6 Optimal portfolio with many risky assets 第一节最优投资组合 PART 1 Optimal portfolio 第二节风险与收益的权衡 PART 2 Risk-return trade-off
第三节公平定价下的最优投资组合 PART 3 Optimal portfolio under fair pricing 第四节风险溢价与最优投资组合
PART 4 Risk premium and optimal portfolio 第五节线性风险承受下的最优投资组合
PART 5 Optimal portfolio under linear risk tolerance
教学重点、难点:风险与收益的权衡,线性风险承受下的最优投资组合。 Key Points: the trade-off between risk and return, and calculation of the optimal portfolio under linear risk tolerance.
Requirement: understand the trade-off between risk and return, and master the calculation of the optimal portfolio under linear risk tolerance.
CHAPTER 7 Mean-variance portfolio analyses
PART 1: Consistency of mean-variance analysis with expected utility 第二节标准均值-方差投资问题
PART 2: Standard mean-variance portfolio problem
Key Points: relation between mean-variance analysis and expected utility analysis, calculation of the optimal mean-variance portfolio.
Requirement: understand the relation between mean-variance analysis and expected utility analysis, master the derivation of the optimal mean-variance portfolio.
CHAPTER 8 Consumption Asset Pricing Model 第一节证券市场线
PART 1: Security market line
PART 2: Equilibrium portfolio under mean-variance preference 第三节二次项函数 PART 3: Quadratic utility 第四节正态分布的收益
PART 4: Normally distributed payoffs
Key Points: the relation between the risk premium on any asset and the covariance between the return to that asset and the market return.
Requirement: master the relation between the risk premium on any asset and the covariance between the return to that asset and the market return.
CHAPTER 9 Arbitrage Pricing Theory 第一节无误差因子定价 PART 1: Exact factor pricing
PART 2: Exact factor pricing, beta pricing and the CAPM 第三节因子定价误差 PART 3: Factor pricing errors 第四节因子结构 PART 4: Factor structure
教学重点、难点:资产风险溢价及此资产收益对因子风险敏感度之间的关系。 Key Points: the relation between the expected return on any asset and the measure of the sensitivity of an asset’s return to factor risk.
Requirement: master the relation between the expected return on any asset and the measure of the sensitivity of an asset’s return to factor risk.
1. Bodie, Kane and Marcus. Investments.McGraw Hill. 10e. 2014
2. Leroy and Werner. Principles of financial economics.Cambridge University Press. 2001