Internship Report
I. Purpose:
First, to deepen understanding of profession, to confirm career preferences.
There are many E~1dkLOCALS~1Tempmsohtml11clip_image001.gif">my first major task E~1dkLOCALS~1Tempmsohtml11clip_image001.gif">time consuming, but complex and knotty as it involved a great amount of reading and recording. I managed to produce information, and communicate y English. As long as my oral English is enough to communicate and I knoed or criticized for my fault at first, I portance to me, then to the country.
III. Gains:
“Study for the sake of use.” as a Chinese saying goes, I should say that there does exist a big gap betiliar ajor student, pletely right.
IV. Problems and Solutions :
The first one is related etimes, I y thoughts and focused myself on my y e customers’ pronunciation I cannot understand. One time, a client called me on Skype, so I found that he spoke very fast and I just can catch "Hello!" Then I could not understand any y best to make friends and chat with them from different countries. I"ll work even harder.
怀疑对方AI换脸可以让对方摁鼻子 真人摁下去鼻子会变形
女子野生动物园下车狼悄悄靠近 后车司机按喇叭提醒
睡前玩8分钟手机身体兴奋1小时 还可能让你“变丑”
男子高速犯困开智能驾驶出事故 60万刚买的奔驰严重损毁