专利名称:Sliding assistance mechanism and pull-in unit发明人:Masakazu Sato申请号:US12312431申请日:20071112公开号:US08272167B2公开日:20120925
摘要:A sliding assistance mechanism for helping a switching operation of a movingbody on a main body side, includes a case attached to the main body side; first andsecond moving members slidably placed in the case, respectively; a pair of latchespivotally supported at each moving member, respectively, and releasably locked to
corresponding parts of a case side; an urging device provided between both movingmembers; and a guide groove provided in the case for moving the latches along thesame; and first and second operational members spaced apart from each other andprovided in the moving body. When the moving members are at a halfway position, anengagement of one of the latches with the second operational member provided in thesecond moving member is released, and the moving body is pulled by the urging deviceto the second position.
申请人:Masakazu Sato
地址:Yokohama JP
代理人:Manabu Kanesaka