

2020-04-15 来源:好走旅游网

My Journey from Little Kid to University Student

Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 9 years old. I just finished the 4th grade and I can't wait for summer vacation! But my teacher Mrs. Roberts asked us to write about how we think we'll change as we get older and go through school. At first I didn't know what to write, but then I started thinking about all the ways I'm different now than when I was a little kid. So I decided to imagine how I'll keep changing as I get older and move up through middle school, high school, and finally university. Here's what I wrote:

I remember back when I was in kindergarten and 1st grade, everything seemed so new and exciting. I loved learning my ABCs, counting, singing silly songs, and playing on the playground. Nap time was the best! Back then, my biggest worries were things like if I'd get a turn on the swings at recess or what snack my mom would pack for me.

Life was all about having fun, making friends, and not having too many responsibilities. I didn't care about things like grades or homework. I pretty much just went with the flow and enjoyed

each day as it came. My world revolved around my family, my teachers, and my little circle of friends at school.

As I got into 2nd and 3rd grade, things started changing a little bit. Sure, we still had fun and played games, but the work started getting a little harder. We had to write more, learn multiplication tables, and do lots of reading comprehension. I actually started caring about whether I got good grades or not. My parents said they were proud of me when I did well, so I wanted to keep making them happy.

Friendships also got a bit more complicated as we all started having different interests and juggling more activities like sports or music lessons. Sometimes friends would get mad at each other over little things. We had to learn how to communicate better, share, and resolve conflicts. Recess was still awesome though!

Now that I'm in 4th grade, I can really see how much more mature I've become compared to those kindergarten days. The schoolwork is pretty challenging - we have to write long essays, study for tests, manage multiple subjects and projects, and keep ourselves organized. We even have to watch out for things like plagiarism. My parents aren't just proud when I get good grades,

they actually ground me if I slack off! No more cruising by without effort.

Friend groups have shifted around a lot too as people's interests change and boyfriends/girlfriends become a new factor in the mix. Sometimes friendships end over friendship breakups or rumors and drama. It's not as simple as it used to be. Recess is still fun but we have to be careful not to get hurt roughhousing as some kids have gotten suspended.

As I look ahead to middle school in a couple years, I'm sure things will feel very different. For one, I'll be changing classes for different subjects instead of staying in the same room all day. That means I'll have to be really responsible about getting to each class on time and keeping track of different books, supplies and assignments for each teacher. I've heard we'll also start changing for P.E. class and getting separate gym lockers. Puberty might start kicking in, which could be awkward!

In middle school, I think classes will get even harder as we start preparing for high school. We'll have to master more advanced math like algebra, write big research papers, and maybe even start learning a foreign language. Extracurricular activities will probably eat up more of our time too as we do things like sports teams, clubs, volunteering and more.

Friend drama is basically a guaranteed thing in middle school from what I've heard from my older cousins. Friends will come and go, there might be bullying issues, and romantic relationships will definitely make friendship circles a mess sometimes. Figuring out who I am and where I fit in will be a huge part of those middle school years.

Once high school rolls around, I'll be practically a grown-up! By then I'll hopefully have my academic, social, and time management skills down as we prepare for college or jobs after graduation. The schoolwork will be intense - I've heard about things like honor classes, APs, standardized tests, and college applications. Yikes!

In high school, kids really start branching off into different crowds and friend groups based on interests and future goals. Some friends might start drifting apart as they pick different paths like college-bound, vocational, or other plans. Kids also start driving and working part-time jobs, which adds a whole new level of freedom and responsibility.

As if that's not enough, peer pressure might get worse in these later teen years around things like partying, substance use, relationships and sex. I'll have to be strong in who I am as a person and not give in to anything that makes me

uncomfortable or goes against my values. High school definitely sounds like a whole different ball game from elementary! Finally, after getting through all those transitions, I'll be ready for university or college. In a way it will be like starting over again as a small fish in a huge new pond. Everything will be unfamiliar - the campus, living away from home, being fully independent and making all my own choices.

The academic demands of university will be tougher than anything I've faced before too. Classes, studying, writing intensive research papers, and preparing for future careers or graduate school...it's a full-time job in itself! I'll have to learn advanced skills like analyzing complex theories, thinking critically, Problem-solving, public speaking, and maybe even coding or other hands-on technical skills depending on my major. At university, friend groups will be a total remix as I move away from my hometown circles. I'll be meeting people from all over with different backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives. My social life could revolve around things like campus clubs, parties, activism, Greek life, or whatever unique opportunities the school has to offer. Dating and relationships might be a big part of the experience too.

Throughout it all, I'll essentially be learning how to be an adult - taking care of myself, managing my time and priorities, developing a moral philosophy and political beliefs, finding my passions, and positioning myself for the career I want after graduation. No parents looking over my shoulder, just full autonomy and accountability for how I choose to spend my time and make decisions. That's incredibly exciting but also a huge responsibility!

Whew, I guess I never realized just how drastically my life is going to change and evolve over the years ahead. From the simplicity of those kindergarten days to the intense challenges of university, it's going to be a long journey of growth and transformation. Sure, I'll miss the low-stakes fun of being a little kid. But mostly I feel thrilled about all the incredible new experiences waiting for me too.

Middle school might be scary at first, but it's where I'll really start figuring out my interests and sense of self. High school will help me lay the foundation for my future through academics, activities and hard lessons in responsibility. And university is where I'll finally blossom into my own version of an adult - equipped with critical thinking abilities, technical know-how,

social independence and a clear vision for the person I've decided to become.

The path won't be easy, but I can't wait to meet these challenges head-on! As long as I stay true to myself while constantly growing and evolving, I know I'll be able to handle whatever life throws my way. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to have Mrs. Roberts as my university professor. That would be wild! For now though, I'm going to savor these last few weeks of 4th grade before the big transition to middle school begins. Here's to the journey ahead!
