

2023-07-03 来源:好走旅游网




一、 绿色物流的相关内容分析

刘辉在《我国绿色物流发展状况及其路径初探》中提出,绿色物流也称环保物流\" 是指在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时, 实现对物流环境的净化, 使物流资源得到最充分利用。 随着环境资源恶化程度的加深, 人类生存和发展的威胁越大, 因此人们对环境的利用和环境的保护越来越重视。现代物流的发展必须优先考虑环境问题,需要从环境角度对物流体系进行改进, 即需要建立一种既维护全球环境和可持续发展, 改变原来的生产发展与物流,现代绿色物流管理强调了全局和长远的利益, 强调全方位对环境的关注, 体现了企业绿色形象,是一种新的物流管理趋势! 在当前的国际国内形势下,建立与经济全球化趋势和我国社会主义市场经济相适应的现代绿色物流体系, 提倡高效节能,绿色环保的物流活动,是十分必要而且有重大意义的!




林敬松在《绿色物流—现代企业持续发展的必然选择》 中指出:现代物流活动是由实现物质、商品空间移动的输送、时间移动的保管、流通加工、包装、装卸等元素构成。现代物流活动中的各个元素都在不同程度上因存在非绿色因素而对环境造成污染。

二、 中国发展绿色物流的必要性






可持续发展战略指社会经济发展必须同自然环境和社会环境相适应, 可持续发展战略同样适用于物流企业,它要求企业将其经营活动与自然环境、社会环境的发展相联系。因此,物流企业必须树立绿色观念从事绿色经营,做到物流与环境共生。绿色物流的建立,更有利于全面满足人民不断提高的物质和文化生活的需要。物流作为生产和消费的中介,是满足人民物质和文化生活的基本环节。而绿色物流则是伴随着人民生活需求的进一步提高,尤其是绿色消费的提出应运而生的。


日益严峻的环境问题和日趋严格的环保法规,使企业必须积极建立完善绿色物流体系,绿色物流不仅是一般物流成本的降低,更重视的是绿色化和由此带来的节能、高效、少污染。随着可持续发展观念不断的深入人心,消费者越来越关注企业是否具有社会责任感,即企业是否节约利用资源、企业是否对废旧产品的原料进行回收、企业是否注重环境保护等等,这些都成为决定企业形象与声誉的重要因素,通过绿色物流来追求高于竞争对手的相对竞争优势。绿色物流是最大限度降低经营成本的必由之路。当前的物流基本上还是高投入于大物流、低投入小于物流的运行模式; 而绿色物流强调的是低投入大物流的方式。显而易见, 绿色物流不仅限于一般物流的节约和低成本,更重视的是绿色化和由此带来的节约和降低成本,更重视的是绿色化和由此带来的节能高效少污染,它对生产经营成本的节省可以说是无可估量的。



三、 绿色物流有利于提高企业形象和取得新的竞争优势

绿色物流有利于提高企业形象和取得新的竞争优势绿色物流有利于提高企业形象和取得新的竞争优势绿色物流有利于提高企业形象和取得新的竞争优势。 郑桂军(2009)认为企业在追求利润的同时,还应该注重环保,尽量减少或避免物流活动对环境的危害,从而树立良好的企业形象。同时,绿色物流的实施在一定程度上也有利于增强企业的竞争力,能够增强品牌的使用价值,大打绿色品牌,




通过学习了类似相关于绿色物流系统建设的现状与对策当今学术领域较高水准的论文。(包括“绿色物流的产生背景、绿色物流的理论基础、绿色物流的概念、 绿色物流的特点、绿色物流的内涵、我国发展绿色物流存在的问题和障碍、我国发展绿色物流的必要性、我国发展绿色物流的对策战略等等)。




 政府引导

 政府应当制定并不断完善相应的规章制度  政府大力培养专业的绿色物流管理人才  政府扩大建设绿色物流的基础设施

 企业贯彻

 绿色运输策略  绿色流通加工  绿色包装管理  绿色废弃物物流管理  生产绿色物流运输工具  开展绿色营销

 民间落实

 学习绿色环保知识的重要性  绿色环保从我做起



从国内学者对绿色物流系统建设现状与对策的研究来看,虽然设计的范围很全面也很广泛,但每个人都是从单方面进行研究,例如、有的只是介绍了绿色物流的情况和知识、 有的只是介绍了绿色物流实施过程的问题,有的只是罗列了企业应该如何实施绿色物流。


在这些学者的基础上,我将会归纳与总结。取其精华,综合起来,进行进一步的补充。 文章将会进一步的先说明绿色物流的相关理论知识概念,结合我国现状与对策,学习国外的先进理念,为我国今后发展绿色物流做出必要的结论。


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王静,基于循环经济的绿色物流发展研究[J].经济问题,2008(12):40-42 马天山.现代物流基础[M]北京.人民交通出版社.2005.1

郑文生.关于绿色物流管理的若干思考.中国资源综合利用,2003,(9):28. 郑桂军.“两型社会”绿色物流意识的培养[J].企业家天地,2009(11):128-129 林敬松 对发展绿色物流的思考, 物流,2008 ,(8)



谢泗薪,吕静.绿色物流;物流企业的战略选择[J].现代物流,2009 (8):


2012 International Conference on Applied Physics and Industrial Engineering

Green Packaging Management of Logistics Enterprises

Guirong Zhang ,Zongjian Zhaoba Shandong Jiao tong University, Jinan, Shandong,


Chang'an University,xi'an, Shanxi, China


From the connotation of green logistics management, we discuss the principles of green packaging, and from the two levels of government and enterprises, we put forward a specific management strategy. The management of green packaging can be directly and indirectly promoted by laws, regulations, taxation, institutional and other measures. The government can also promote new investment to the development of green packaging materials, and establish specialized institutions to identify new packaging materials, standardization of packaging must also be accomplished through the power of the government. Business units of large scale through the packaging and container-based to reduce the use of packaging materials, develop and use green packaging materials and easy recycling packaging materials for proper packaging.

Keywords : logistics, green Packaging, logistics management, green logistics



1. Introduction

Shortage of resources in society today, the resources available for human use has become increasingly scarce. To packaging, for example, most packaging products are single-use, and turn to waste after use, and the product life cycle of them are very short, so consuming large amount of resources consumed, in the same time, the ecological environment has also been an unprecedented threat. In China , the pollution caused by packaging waste has become the fourth-largest source of pollution, only followed to water pollution, lake and ocean pollution and air pollution. The development of green packaging, protection of the ecological environment and promoting sustainable economic development have become the consensus in the world's packaging industry in many industrialized countries.

2. The content of green logistics 2.1 The concept of Green

Logistics Green Logistics is a logistics activity, which aimed to reduce pollution of the environment and consumption of resource, using of advanced logistics technology planning and implementation of transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing and distribution. It is an effective and efficient flow of goods that connecting the main green supply and the main green demand to overcome the obstacles between space and time and green services activities in the process of economic management, also known as environmental logistics.



2.2 The contents of green logistics system

Green Logistics System includes the following six aspects: green transportation, green storage and safekeeping, loading and unloading system of green, green packaging, green distribution processing, collection and management of green information.

3. The negative impact of packaging

3.1 Package on the consumption of resources

The packaings of product have different levels. Packaging that directly contact with the product is the inside packaging, usually is disposable packaging. In order to make easier for transport, storage and loading and unloading, sometimes it needs for secondary packaging or even packaging several times. There are many different types of logistics containers, such as with different materials, different structure as well, typical of such trays, containers, container bags, corrugated boxes, cans, buckets and other utensils. Both products’ loaded package and logistics’ package were needed to consume a large a mount of resources and produce large amounts of solid waste. Thus, the impact of packaging to environment is very large.

3.2 Pollution generated by packaging  Solid waste pollution

Packing and consumption of resources in large numbers will generate a lot of



waste. From a global point of view, packaging waste generated an important component of solid waste. At present there are about 10 million tons of solid waste annual in the world, and packaging waste accounts for about the total l /3. Waste packaging materials include paper, plastic, metal, glass and other ingredients. To deal with these solid waste not only need to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but also caused serious pollution of the natural environment and threatened the survival environment of the human.

 Liquid and gaseous pollution

Abandoned chemical residues in bucket will flow into the nearby villages and farmland follow the rain , causing large areas of water and soil serious pollution, and even the growth of plants will be contaminated. The health of residents and living environment will be greatly affected.

 The spread of bacteria and pests

In international logistics, the traditional natural packaging material may not only carry a variety of crop pests, but also carry various types of bacteria, which may spread and endanger the local forests and crops, and even affect human and livestock’s safety.

4. Green package 4.1

The conception of green package



Green package, can also be called “ ecological package” or “environmental friendly package”, is defined as environmental friendly package, which is completely made by natural plants, can be circle or second use, be prone to degradation and promote sustainable development, even during its whole life cycle, it is hurtless to environment as well as to human body and livestock’s health. In short, green packaging is the appropriate packaging that can be reused, recycled or degradation, corruption and does not cause pollution in humans and the environment during the product life cycle. 4.2

The 4R1D principles of green packaging.

Green packaging is not only a package of general performance, but also with two main functions such as protecting the environment and renewable resources. The two main functions achieved by the principles of 4R1D, these are reduce, reuse, reclaim, recycle and degradable.

Reduce, that is packaging reduction. For the premise packaging products to meet the protection, facilitate the logistics, sales and other functions, it try to use as little material as possible. European and American countries will develop packaging reduction as the preferred measures of package .In order to implement the measure of appropriate amount of packaging, the company should design to try and make the package of thin, lightweight, and never use packaging without the need for it.

Reuse, that is repeated use of packaging. After simple treatment, the containers can be reused. Reuse of containers can significantly reduce waste volume. To use reusable containers as much as possible will enhance recycling rate



of packaging waste reuse.

Reclaim, also calls recyclable. Refers to the use of packaging waste combustion to obtain new energy sources, and does not produce secondary pollution. Through the recycling of packaging waste, production of renewable products, such as the use of thermal incineration, composting and other measures to improve the land condition, to achieve reuse purposes.

Recycle, calls can be reused. As far as possible to use low power, low-cost, low-pollution raw materials as packaging material, in particular, the selection of recycled materials should be expanded, which can not only reduce environmental pollution but also saves raw materials, and be propitious to recycling resources, such as production of recycled paper board and plastic.

Degradable, is the ultimate packaging waste that can not be reuse of, should be able to degrade, corrupt and do not form a permanent waste. For example, select biodegradable packaging materials of paper as more as possible. \"Take paper on the plastic’s place\"

5. Green packaging management strategies

5.1 Government level

Government should play the guiding role of the management, through the development of a series of policies and regulations or the use of economic instruments to limit or encourage manufacturers use in product designing and



packaging processing behavior in order to promote green packaging.

1) To promote the development and application of new packaging materials through the legislation way. The development of green packaging materials use and the development of green packaging, if there are only good wishes but not mandatory requirement for the government and regulation, are difficult to achieve the desired effect. Currently, under manufacturers and users are still relatively weak in the sense of environmental protection, to pass legislation to manage the production and the use of green packaging materials is still needs, in order to promote green packaging materials and the development of green packaging. Green packaging regulations should include environmental standards for green packaging materials, control quantity emissions of total administrative regulations, and environmental purification technologies (mainly including packaging waste recycling technology) which prevent and eliminate pollutants discharged into the environment, It should also build on the reuse system of using recycled packaging waste.

2) Establish the law of the recycling or reuse. The basic characteristics of circular economy are to recycle waste resources. The key to recycle packaging waste is recycling and the key to recovery package is through legislation that requiring manufacturers and distributors take financial responsibility for recycling of packaging waste and recycling compulsory payment. In China packaging industry has rapidly developed over 20 years; many companies already have this tolerance, so the establishment of \"the restriction law of packaging waste\"



has basically met the conditions. It should be the priority.

3) Adopted legislation to prohibit the use of certain packaging materials. The relevant government agencies should adopt legislation that prohibiting the use of packaging materials that containing lead, mercury, tin and other components and that do not reach the required percentage of recycled.

4) Establish system of storage and return. Develop a number of industry standards, providing for daily necessities, beverages such as beer, mineral water, etc, which all use reusable packaging materials. When consumers buy these goods, they should deliver a certain margin to the store, and their deposit refunded by the store when they return the container. Such a system could be further extended to other reusable packaging materials’ production and sales such as washing and painting.

5) Full use of leverage on tax. Tax authorities give duty-free, low tax benefits or charge higher taxes to the production and use of packaging materials manufacturer based on whether all or part of its product packaging and packaging materials make use of recyclable packaging materials, to encourage use of recycled resources.

6) Restrict excessive packaging. Excessive packaging is excess packaging on the function and the value. It is in the form of materials through consumption of too much, taking up too much volume, decorating with luxurious decoration to the product being packaged. Excessive packaging meets parts of consumer’s blind psychological satisfaction, but does not take green factors into consideration. It is not only a waste of resources but also pollution to the



environment, and contrary to the concept of green packaging. Country should make legislation to limit excessive packaging from the perspective of environmental protection and consumer protection.

7) Establish several of research institutions to assess packaging materials. The development of professional research organization for packaging materials is used to assess the various packaging standards, and the research system provides two optional recycling channels: The first one is that suppliers recall their packaging, and the second one is to set up an private and non-profit organization dedicated to recycling packaging. Suppliers can apply to join, and pay certain management fees to become a member. Member companies print same recyclable symbol on the packaging. Recycled logo printed on the packaging for recycling by the organization.

5.2 Firm level

For enterprises, the development of green logistics is the trend. Logistics managers should assess the situation and actively respond to shorten the gap of the green logistics operation, and make a further green recycling of logistics processes.  Green packaging materials. Green packaging materials are the recycled materials causing the minimum of burden to the environment and maximum coefficient of utilization in the whole process of the life cycle. Green packaging material is the core of green packagings, which not only reduce and eliminate the environment pollution, alleviate the pressure on the ecological environment, but also conserve or replace some of the expensive or lack resources in order to



reuse waste resources. Based On sustainable development strategy, environmental performance must be as an important aspect to study when used of packaging materials. The strategy of sustainable development must proceeded from, considering the material's three elements, performance, economy and environment(including resources, energy, environmental protection). Using green packaging materials is the fundamental way to ensure the sustainable development strategy angle from the material.

 The lower costs of packaging. The largest proportion of packaging cost is the packaging material cost, so lower costs should start from reducing packaging material cost first. And because of this organizations need reasonable packaging materials procurement, under the premise of ensuring the basic functions, to minimize the grade of material. Using common packing that does not have special arrangements for the return of the use. With turnover packaging that can be used repeatedly, such as drinks, beer bottles; Repetition utilization is that the packaging turn to another material after the first use by a simple treatment. Using simplified packaging and reach appropriate packaging. Packaging reduction, to reduce packaging waste from source, is world idly recognized as the preferred means of packaging green. The formation of excessive packaging waste is also a cause unnecessary pollution.

 Package unit large-scale and containerization. Large-scale packaging of logistics system conducive to mechanization process in handling, removal, storage and transportation, and speed up the operating speed of these links; It helps to reduce the unit packaging, and to save packaging materials and



packaging cost; It also helps to protect the cargo body, such as the use of container bags ,containers, pallets and other container means.

 Development of new packaging materials and packaging equipment. To develop packaging materials of lightweight, thin, fluorine-free, high performance is an important direction of the green packaging materials, mainly into the existing packaging materials. On the basis of guarantee the implementation of the three big functions, we should reform excessive packaging and develop proper packaging, as well as try to cut down the use of wrapping and packaging costs and save the packaging material resources, in order to reduce the produce of wastes and to develop a light weight, thin, fluorine-free, high performance of the new packaging materials.

 To minimize the type of material that used. In order to simplify the manufacturing process of the packaging, and make packaging more easy on disassembly and recycling, sorting and recycling, packaging design should try to avoid using many different types of materials and should be designed easily separated by the structural for the complex packaging.

 Put green packaging signs in practice. Under the concept of green consumption, people not only concerned about the quality of the goods and weather packaging is beautiful, but also care about If the product compliance with environmental requirements and if the packaging has a green flag in the purchase of goods. Also, if products do not have green flag, some developed countries refused to import them, and do not give preferential price and tax. Therefore, the development of green is a powerful symbol and one of the



necessary ways tends towards the world to the enterprise. China's export enterprises need to carry out the related comprehensive green certification to promote environmental labeling system. First, we must actively promote IS014000 international standards. Through the establishment, implementation of environmental management certification system to control pollution generated from the source, saving energy, reducing pollution treatment costs, and enterprises will be integrated benefited in the social and economic. The second is to actively implement the system of environmental labeling products to allow more exports in carrying out environmental standard, based on greater access to develop countries, environmental labeling, and making exports more than \"green barrier\

6. Conclusions

The development of green packaging is to enable packaging of lightweight, recyclable, re-use, recycling, biodegradable materials, and to prevent the use of non-ecological materials. To develop the green packaging, the government can adopt legislation prohibiting certain packaging materials use, establishing of storage refund system, drawing up the recycling or reuse laws, giving a discount or punishment in tax, limiting over-packaging, founding sundry research institutions to evaluate packing materials, legislation to promote the development of new packaging materials and the use of such measures; In enterprise level, you can package units large-scale and containerization, lower costs of packaging, proper packaging, green packaging materials, reduce the types of materials used as far as



possible, use materials that easy to recycle, development of new packaging materials and packaging equipment as well as making efforts to adopt measures to achieve ISO14000 certification requirements of green packaging.





[1] Xu Xiaojing. (2007) “Research of green packaging based on green logistics”, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing.

[2]Liu Yi. (2006) “The needs analysis and management for green transport and green packaging green mode of circulareconomy”, Hunan University, Changsha.

[3]Huang Yingwei, Qi YinlingGreen logistics packaging in modern times”, The proceedings of the 10th National PackagingEngineering, Beijing.

[4]Jiang Liang, Cui Jie. “Green logistics and green packaging”, China Packaging Industry,2008.8

[5]Yang Lirong. (2005) “Research of Development for the Green Logistics”. Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,Tianjin.

[6]Xia Chunyu, Li Jiansheng. (2005) “ Green Logistics”. Beijing Materials Press, Beijing.








文章从绿色物流管理的内涵出发,讨论了绿色包装的原则,从政府和企业的两个层次,我们提出了一个特定的管理策略。绿色包装的管理可以直接和间接地促进法律、法规、税收、机构和其他措施。政府还可以促进发展绿色包装材料的新投资, 并建立专门机构来识别新包装材料、标准化包装的完成必须依附于政府权力。大型营业单位通过包装和基于容器的减少包装材料的使用,开发和使用绿色包装材料和便于回收的适当包装材料来包装。


1. 引言

在当今社会资源短缺、可供资源人类使用已经变得越来越稀缺。对于包装来说,例如,大多数包装产品是一次性的,使用后即浪费,产品生命周期都很短, 因此消耗大量的资源,在此同时,生态环境也出现了前所未有的威胁。在中国,因包装浪费而造成的污染已经成为全球第四大污染源,仅次于水污染、湖泊和海洋污染和空气污染。绿色包装的发展,保护生态环境,促进经济可持续发展已在全球包装行业许多工业化国家中达成共识。

2. 绿色物流的内容

2.1 绿色物流的概念


2.2 绿色物流系统的内容

绿色物流系统包括以下六个方面: 绿色交通、绿色存储和保管、绿色装卸系统、绿色包装、绿色流通加工、收集和管理的绿色信息。

3. 包装的负面影响



3.1 包装上的资源消耗


3.2 包装产生的污染

 固体废物污染


 液体和气体污染


 细菌和害虫的传播

在国际物流,传统的自然包装材料不仅可以携带各种作物害虫,同时也可以携带各种类型的细菌, 那些可能蔓延,危及当地林木和农作物,甚至影响人类和牲畜的安全的作物害虫或细菌。

4. 绿色包装

4.1 绿色包装的概念

绿色包装,也可以被称为“生态包装”或“环境友好方案”, 被定义为环境友好的包装,它完全是由天然植物制成,可以循环使用,易于降解并可以促进可持续的发展,即使在其整个生命周期,它是无害于环境以及人类的身体和牲畜健康的。简而言之,绿色包装是适当的包装,可以重用,回收利用和降解的,在产品生命周期内腐败不会引起对人类和环境的污染。

4.2 4R1D绿色物流包装的原则









可降解,是指最后包装剩下的废物,不能重复再利用,应该能够被降解、腐烂并且不形成一个永久性的浪费。例如, 尽可能多的选择生物降解包装材料的纸。“把纸放在塑料的地方”。

5. 绿色包装管理战略

5.1 政府层次

政府在管理上应该发挥着主导的作用,通过制定一系列的政策和法规或者使用经济手段来限制或者鼓励制造商在产品设计、处理包装行为上运用,其目的是为了促进绿色包装。 1) 通过立法的方式来促进发展和应用新包装材料。发展绿色包装材料的使用和发展绿色

包装,如果只有简简单单美好的设想但不要求政府强制监管,难以达到预期的效果。目前,在制造商和用户依然存在对环境保护意识相对薄弱的情况下,通过立法来管理生产和使用绿色包装材料仍然是需要的, 为了促进绿色包装材料和绿色包装的发展。绿色包装法规应该包括环境标准为绿色包装材料、控制量排放总量的行政法规和环境净化技术(主要包括包装废弃物回收技术),预防和消除污染物排放到环境中,它还应该建立在使用回收的包装废物的重用系统里面。

2) 在回收再利用上要建立法律。循环经济的基本特征是回收浪费资源。包装废弃物回收

利用的关键在于回收包装,通过立法并要求制造商和经销商对包装回收利用垃圾和回收强制性付款承担经济责任。在中国包装行业迅速发展超过了20年, 许多公司已经有了这种机制,所以也成立“限制包装废物的法律”已经基本满足条件。这是应该优先考虑的。

3) 通过立法禁止使用某些包装材料。相关的政府机构应该通过立法,禁止使用的包装材料,

含铅、汞、锡和其他组件, 而且没有达到所需的百分比的回收。 4) 建立系统的存储和返回。开发一个数量的行业标准,提供生活必需品,饮料如啤酒,矿泉

水,等等,这都使用可重用的包装材料。当消费者购买这些货物,他们应该到商店提供一定的保证金,和他们的存款退还的商店当他们返回包装材料。这样一个系统可以进一步扩展到其他可重用的包装材料的生产和销售如洗涤和绘画。 5) 充分利用税收杠杆。税务机关给予免税,低税收优惠或收取更高的税收来生产和使用的


6) 限制过度包装。过度包装是超过包装的功能和价值。被打包装饰的材料的形式通过大

量的耗费,占用太多容量,过多豪华的装饰。过度包装满足部分消费者的盲目的心理满足感,但没有将绿色的因素加以考虑。它不仅是一种浪费资源还污染环境,并与绿色包装的概念相违背。一国应从环境保护和消费者保护的角度来立法限制过度包装。 7) 建立几个研究机构来评估包装材料。职业发展研究机构对包装材料是用来评估各种包





5.2 公司水平


 绿色包装材料。绿色包装材料是回收材料,在整个过程的生命周期内,给环境带来最

小的负担和最大利用系数。绿色包装材料是绿色包装的核心, 不仅减少和消除环境污染, 减轻对生态环境的压力,还保存或替代了一些昂贵的或缺乏资源以便重用浪费资源。基于可持续发展战略、环境性能必须作为一个重要的方面来研究当包装材料的使用。在可持续发展战略必须继续考虑材料的三个要素、性能、经济和环境(包括资源、能源、环境保护)。使用绿色包装材料从物质角度是确保可持续发展战略的最基本的途径。

 低成本包装。最大比例的包装成本是包装材料成本,因此降低成本应该从首先从减少包


 大规模整套装置和集装箱化。大规模的包装的物流系统有利于机械化进程在处理,去除,


 开发新的包装材料和包装设备。开发包装材料质量轻、薄,无氟、高性能是绿色包装材


 特殊材料的使用的最小化。为了简化生产过程的包装,使包装更容易在拆卸和回收、分


 将绿色包装标志投入实行的概念,在绿色消费的观念下,人们不仅关注商品的质量和




6. 结论



[1]许小京。 (2007)“基于绿色物流的绿色包装的研究”,北京交通大学,北京。

[2]刘毅。 (2006年),“绿色交通和绿色包装绿色循环经济模式”,湖南大学,需求分析和管理。


[4]姜亮,崔杰。 “绿色物流和绿色包装”,“中国包装产业,2008,8

[5]:杨离熔。 (2005)“研究发展”绿色物流。天津财经大学,天津。

[6]夏春雨,李建生。 (2005年)“绿色物流”。北京物资出版社,北京。




