编 号 NO Page 1 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 版 别 变 更 记 录 : 版次 A0 A1 日 期 2010/01/03 2010/07/09 Initial 变 更 内 容 摘 要 修改4.3.1检验完后张贴标签的定义 修改4.8 ROHS检验确认,列入实际抽检测试 审 核 Review 制 订 Prepare 发 行 Issued By 核 准Approve 备注:参见分发/回收记录表 Remarks: please refer to delivery/ callback record 编 号 NO Page 2 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 一、目的:Purpose 便于IQC检验人员判断及作业时有依可循,特制定此流程。 To make this procedure that ensures IQC inspector can follow and know how to work. 二、范围:Scope 所有采购之料件均适用 Applicable for all components purchases. 三、定义及权责:Definition and responsibilities IQC人员为确保作业顺畅,将材料异常及时的反馈给SQE、物管及采购处理,便于厂商后续的改善。 To smooth the procedure, IQC engineer shall feedback material abnormalities to SQE, Material Control engineer (MC) and Purchase dept., and to get vendor’s improvement continuously. 四、作业内容及步骤:Operation content and steps 4.1 收料员核对交货内容与所需采购内容相符时,开立RC单.且把RC单放于对应的货物上摆放于待验区,急料部分,放于急料区。(急料由物管通知仓库区分放臵或给IQC优先检验) Material receiver checks if the delivery accords with what we purchase, open RC list and put it together with corresponding material in the area waiting for inspection. Urgent material should be put in the special area.(urgent material will be noticed by MC, determine to separately store by warehouse or have IQC inspection priority) 4.2 IQC从待验区取料检验,如急料区有料则优先检验。取料时需注意核对实物外箱标贴上所写的料号、品名、规格与RC单是否一致。 IQC get material from the uninspected material area before inspection, urgent ones have inspection priority. When getting the material, the PN, description, specification on the label of outer box should be checked whether they’re the same as RC list. 4.3 IQC依据承认书、承认样品图档、PCB制作规范、检验规范、抽样检验规范、IE短脚进料作业明细等,对料件的外观、尺寸、功能、实装进行检验判定。(有客户特殊要求需依据客户要求执行检验判定)。 IQC inspect and judge the appearance, dimension, function, assembly of material according to approval sheet, approved sample drawing, PCB manufacturing standard, inspection criterion, sample inspection criterion and IE short-feet inspection operation list etc. Customer special request should be set priority for criteria to follow if any while perform inspection judgment 编 号 NO Page 3 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 4.3.1 检验完后,在RC单上记录,同时在对应的标签上加盖当天检验的个人章,并 将允收、判退、特采等对应的标签一律贴于单品的最大包装箱或袋上。且一个栈 板上存放的所有纸箱必须每箱都贴上标签!箱子摆放时标签一律方向对外! (使用不同的标签定义详见附件二) After examining, on the RC list the record, simultaneously caps individual chapter which at the same day on the corresponding label examines, and will permit to receive, to sentence draws back, picks and so on corresponding labels to paste in especially Yu Danpin the most large package packing or the bag. And stack on the board deposits all paper boxes must each box paste on the label! The box places when label same direction foreign! (use different label definition for details sees appendix two) 4.3.2检验不符合需待确认或判退,IQC在外包装张贴拒收标签并隔离, 及时的反馈给SQE、物管及采购处理。必要时按以下方式开立《质量异常通知单》要求改善: IQC stick reject label on the outer box for those nonconformities need be confirmed or rejected, pass information to SQE, MC and PUR in time. “Quality defect notice” shall be issued for improvement actions if needed. a. 不良率达到5%(含5%)或品名不符、未承认、承认数据不全或未更新、未附出货报告、逾期品、费退等IQC不需要开立《质量异常通知单》,请相关单位确认后回复邮件即可,后续追踪改善状况,特殊情况下由SQE确认是否需开立。 For those situations, if the failure rate is below 5%, or wrong component description, non-approval, imperfect approval data or not updated, no shipping report, overdue material, 费退 etc., no need for “Quality defect notice”, IQC should confirm them with other dept. and get feedback by mail for improvement action tracking. In special occasion, SQE shall determine if “Quality defect notice” is needed. b. IQC依据4.3任何一项判定出不符合且不良率在5%以上则需开立《质量异常通知单》 要求改善。 IQC should issue “Quality defect notice” for improvement actions if failure rate of any nonconformity above 5% based on the standards in 4.3. 有异常若急需上线或其它原因,由需求单位召开MRB会仪:提出特采申请或Sorting 编 号 NO Page 4 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 或重工等进行讨论;若属于可特采的料件则由需求单位开立MRB单,IQC核对特采原因,再由申请单位会签各相关单位。(IQC拿到特采单位确认无误后在外箱上张贴特采标签) When abnormalities are found and production line is in dire need, the requester should have MRB meeting: discussion on waive application or sorting or rework; if the material canbe used distinguishingly, corresponding dept should issue MRB list, IQC check reason, and countersign by other related dept. (IQC stick waive label on the outer label after confirmation by related dept.) Sorting: 1. 由处理单位通知厂商到厂Sorting,IQC将Sorting结果以Mail形式知会相关单位。 Inform the manufacturer to sorting in Advantech, IQC pass sorting result to related dept. by mail; 2. 或需求单位申请重工单由本厂Sorting,将工时费用Charge厂商(工时报表由IE统计提供); Apply for rework bill and sorting by ourselves, and charge the manufacturer (labor time will be provided by IE) Sorting后良品贴重工/换货后允收标签并入库,不良品贴拒收标签,由物管通知厂商处理。 After sorting, good ones should be sticked on “acceptable label after rework/replacement” and put into warehouse, defected ones should be sticked on reject label and inform manufacturer by MC. 4.3 在检验完毕后要把检验的结果记录于《进料检验履历表》或《IQC Checklist-各类窗体》, 并Key入SAP系统(QVM3)。 After inspection, result should be recorded into “Incoming inspection history” or “IQC Checklist”, and keyed into SAP system(QVM3) 说明:Notes: 各类料件有Checklist窗体只要记录Checklist窗体即可,没有则记录于《进料检验履历表》 若来料无周期则依厂商生产日期,若生产日期也无则依我司的进料日期。 Each kind of material which has checklist, can be only recorded into checklist, if no checklist then recorded into “Incoming inspection history”. If no date code for material, then record according to manufacturing date; if still with no production date, record as incoming date. 编 号 NO Page 5 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 4.4 IQC所有检验完毕的料件,属于MSD原件由各仓库负责做真空包装,时间定义上午11:00左右、下午16:00左右、加班:19:00左右,仓库没有及时做真空包装的IQC及时打电话提醒仓库主管,针对拒收的湿敏原件IQC需配合请仓库做完真空包装后再送至拒收区,以免遗漏。如下图类别一般需做真空包装(BGA/IC等料阶具体依承认书和原厂标签执行各等级要求) Materials inspected by IQC which categorized as MSD materials will be vacuum packed by warehouse dept. Working hours: 11:00 AM, 4:00 PM,7:00 PM. IQC will call to warehouse if the materials are not vacuum packed in time. Humidity components should be vacuum packed before put in rejection area to avoid any missing. Attached some pictures which refer to some materials need to be vacuum packed.(BGA/IC etc…will follow the IIS and original supplier) 4.5 制程、客诉中回馈料件异常,统一由IPQC通知IQC确认库存品或料仓做如何管制(贴拒收、 管控、限用、禁用等标签),同时CC各部门,IQC接到通知后第一时间处理,必要时协助需求单位,协同仓管员一并提供库存量、库存date code及其数量等抽检信息。 Any material abnormalities in process or customer complaint, IPQC will inform IQC to check stock or material warehouse to see how to control (stick reject, controlled, limiting, inhibitive etc labels), and copy to related dept. IQC shall deal with it at once, call help from other dept. if needed, coordinate with warehouseman to provide information about inventory quantity, date code and so on. 4.6 对于进料检验或料仓发现的个别不良品,Q单位由IQC签核转不良库的转库单据;产线退来料 异常,Q单位直接由IPQC判定,排除制程造成的不良品的责任归属。不良品与厂商确认有争论时直接找判定单位主管共同确认。 For the defected material IQC inspected or material warehouse found out, IQC sign related bills to move defected material to individual place; For the defected material rejected by product line, IPQC determine responsible dept. eliminating process problem. And if manufacturer has objection, supervisor of IPQC should be directly involved in issue discussion and confirmation. 4.7 针对厂商来料、费用化退料、工单退料、客供料、库存品再检验在入库前均需IQC做抽检确认并使用对应窗体做好检验记录(工单退料可直接将结果记录于退料单上,并留一联存档)。 For incoming materials, returned materials, consigned materials, stock which will be re-stocked should be inspected and record accordingly.(For W/O return materials, mark the inspection result on return memo and keep one sheet for tracking) 4.8 ROHS检验确认: 编 号 NO Page 6 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 4.8.1 IQC检验时需确认PLM中Title Block下Green status:是否有注明ROHS,以及承认书中有无SGS报告或声名书等,有任何异常依《进料验退作业流程》提出确认。 When incoming inspectioning,IQC need to check \"title block\" & \"Green status\" items in PLM system and wheather or not there is SGS report or Declaration in acknowledgment and so on, According to
to deal with any abnormal issue. 4.8.2 每周使用 X 射線螢光光譜儀(簡稱 XRF)测试料件10个料号,每个料号取1-5PCS做检测,依据《KQN-003 产品检验程序》附件7.2 ADVANTECH EDXRF允收标准中对应的中文文名称确认不同料件的判定标准,最终将ROHS是否符合记錄于《IQC ROHS測試記錄》中. Use XRF to test 10 Part No. every week and every Part No. takes 1-5 PCS for testing, according to <> accessory 7.2 ADVANTECH EDXRF Acceptability criterion using corresponding Chinese names to confirm the determinant criterion with different materials, finally, records whether ROHS is accord or not into <> 4.8.3若測試料不符合,則將拒收簽加蓋“HS"章貼於物料標籤右下方,及時發異常知會 SQE 或采购等相关单位確認處理,並將料放於指定拒收區域。 If test material cannot meet Advantech EDXRF criterion, IQC will reject and stamp “HS"label on right bottom. IQC should highlight to SQE and related dept. to deal with and put the material in rejection area. 4.9 扫调品控管IQC作业说明 Unofficial materials management. 4.9.1 采购买料为扫调品需及时将相关信息通知IQC/物管/仓库/QC等,并将订单后缀编为“X”。 If the materials are bought from market (the vendor is not in AVL), buyer should release the information to IQC/MC/warehouse/QC etc and numbered the last number of PN as X 4.9.2 IC单上订单后缀为“S”为ES用料,后缀为“X”则来料为扫调品,仓库收料为扫调品后需贴黄底黑字的“S”标签于外箱处,IQC需确认有无此标签。 The last number of IC memo marked as S is ES materials while marked as X is unofficial material. The warehouse people have to attach S label on the out box. IQC will check the label. 编 号 NO Page 7 of 10 页 次 Page 名称:进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法 Name: In-coming Quqlity Control (IQC) Process 版 别 Version A1 4.9.3 IQC检验依据《进料质量管理(IQC)作业办法》作业检验,验证检验项目由工程或RD决定,扫调品来料至少需要备3-5PCS给工厂端做破坏性实验,扫调货品最终由需求单位招开MRB会议确认是否可以特采使用。 IQC do incoming inspection according to< IQC working process >, Verify case will be decided by Engineering Department or RD ,At lease 3-5 pcs of unofficial materials should be provided to perform damage experiment , whether or not the unofficial materials is be waived ,It will be decided in MRB meeting which is called by requirements department 五、使用窗体: 5.1 品质异常通知单 Quality Defect Notice 5.2 进料检验履历表 Incoming inspection history 5.3 IQC Checklist-PCB 5.4 IQC Checklist-LCR 5.5 IQC Checklist-Cable 六、参考文件:References. 6.1 特采管理程序 Waive management procedure 6.2 产品检验程序 Product inspection procedure 七、附件: Accessories 7.1 进料检验作业流程(附件一) Incoming inspection flow chart (Attachment 1) 7.2 进料验退作业流程(附件二) Incoming defect parts flow chart (Attachment 2) 7.3 IQC使用不同的标签定义 (附件三) IQC Label definition in factory (Attachment 3)