TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999DComplete PWM Power Control CircuitryDUncommitted Outputs for 200-mA Sink orDDDDDD, N, NS, OR PW PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)Source CurrentOutput Control Selects Single-Ended orPush-Pull OperationInternal Circuitry Prohibits Double Pulse atEither OutputVariable Dead Time Provides Control OverTotal RangeInternal Regulator Provides a Stable 5-VReference Supply With 5% ToleranceCircuit Architecture Allows EasySynchronization1IN+1IN–FEEDBACKDTCCTRTGNDC1123456781615141312111092IN+2IN–REFOUTPUT CTRLVCCC2E2E1descriptionThe TL494 incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) controlcircuit on a single chip. Designed primarily for power-supply control, this device offers the flexibility to tailor thepower-supply control circuitry to a specific application.The TL494 contains two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a dead-time control (DTC)comparator, a pulse-steering control flip-flop, a 5-V, 5%-precision regulator, and output-control circuits.The error amplifiers exhibit a common-mode voltage range from –0.3 V to VCC – 2 V. The dead-time controlcomparator has a fixed offset that provides approximately 5% dead time. The on-chip oscillator can be bypassedby terminating RT to the reference output and providing a sawtooth input to CT, or it can drive the commoncircuits in synchronous multiple-rail power supplies.The uncommitted output transistors provide either common-emitter or emitter-follower output capability. TheTL494 provides for push-pull or single-ended output operation, which can be selected through theoutput-control function. The architecture of this device prohibits the possibility of either output being pulsed twiceduring push-pull operation.The TL494C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TL494I is characterized for operation from–40°C to 85°C.FUNCTION TABLEINPUT TOOUTPUT CTRLVI = GNDVI = VrefOUTPUT FUNCTIONSingle-ended or parallel outputNormal push-pull operationPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications ofTexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instrumentsstandard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily includetesting of all parameters.Copyright © 1999, Texas Instruments IncorporatedPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•1SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AVAILABLE OPTIONSPACKAGED DEVICESTASMALLOUTLINE(D)TL494CDTL494IDPLASTICDIP(N)TL494CNTL494INSMALLOUTLINE(NS)TL494CNS—SHRINKSMALLOUTLINE(PW)TL494CPW—CHIPFORM(Y)TL494Y— 0°C to 70°C–40°C to 85°CThe D, NS, and PW packages are available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to device type (e.g.,TL494CDR). Chip forms are tested at 25°C.functional block diagramOUTPUT CTRL(see Function Table)RT6CT513Oscillator1D≈0.1 VDead-Time ControlComparatorC1Q21110Pulse-SteeringFlip-Flop12ReferenceRegulator14VCCREFQ189C1E1DTC4Error Amplifier 11IN+1IN–12+–Error Amplifier 22IN+16+–2IN–15PWMComparatorC2E27FEEDBACK30.7 mAGND2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)†TL494Supply voltage, VCC (see Note 1)Amplifier input voltage, VICollector output voltage, VOCollector output current, IOD packagePackagethermalimpedanceθJA (see Notes 2 and 3)Package thermal impedance, (seeNotes2and3)N packageNS packagePW packageLead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 secondsD, N, or PW package41VCC+0.341250738864108260°C°CUNITVVVmAStorage temperature range, Tstg–65 to 150°C†Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfunctional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is notimplied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.NOTES:1.All voltage values, except differential voltages, are with respect to the network ground terminal.2.Maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(max), θJA, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowableambient temperature is PD = (TJ(max) – TA)/θJA. Operating at the absolute maximum TJ of 150°C can impact reliability.3.The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with JESD 51, except for through-hole packages, which use a tracelength of zero.recommended operating conditionsTL494MINSupply voltage, VCCAmplifier input voltage, VICollector output voltage, VOCollector output current (each transistor)Current into feedback terminalOscillator frequency, foscTiming capacitor, CTTiming resistor, RTOperatingfreeairtemperatureTAOperating free-air temperature, TTL494CTL494I10.471.80–407–0.3MAX40VCC–2402000.3300100005007085UNITVVVmAmAkHznFkΩ°CPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•3SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC = 15 V,f = 10 kHz (unless otherwise noted)reference sectionPARAMETEROutput voltage (REF)Input regulationOutput regulationOutput voltage change with temperatureShort-circuit output current§TEST CONDITIONSTESTCONDITIONS†IO = 1 mAVCC = 7 V to 40 VIO = 1 mA to 10 mA∆TA = MIN to MAXREF = 0 VTL494C, TL494IMIN4.75TYP‡521225MAX5.25251510UNITVmVmVmV/VmA†For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions.‡All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.§Duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second.oscillator section, CT = 0.01 µF, RT = 12 kΩ (see Figure 1)PARAMETERFrequencyStandard deviation of frequency¶Frequency change with voltageFrequency change with temperature#All values of VCC, CT, RT, and TA constantVCC = 7 V to 40 V,∆TA = MIN to MAXTA = 25°CTEST CONDITIONSTESTCONDITIONS†TL494, TL494IMINTYP‡10100110MAXUNITkHzHz/kHzHz/kHzHz/kHz†For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions.‡All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.¶Standard deviation is a measure of the statistical distribution about the mean as derived from the formula:s+ǸȍN(xn*X)2N*1n+1#Temperature coefficient of timing capacitor and timing resistor are not taken into account.error-amplifier section (see Figure 2)PARAMETERInput offset voltageInput offset currentInput bias currentCommon-mode input voltage rangeOpen-loop voltage amplificationUnity-gain bandwidthCommon-mode rejection ratioOutput sink current (FEEDBACK)Output source current (FEEDBACK)TESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 VVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 VVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 VVCC = 7 V to 40 V∆VO = 3 V,RL = 2 kΩ,VO = 0.5 V to 3.5 VRL = 2 kΩV (FEEDBACK) = 0.7 VV (FEEDBACK) = 3.5 V–0.3 toVCC–270650.3–295800800.7TL494, TL494IMINTYP‡2250.2MAX102501UNITmVnAµAVdBkHzdBmAmAVO = 0.5 V to 3.5 V,∆VO = 40 V,TA = 25°CVID = –15 mV to –5 V,VID = 15 mV to 5 V,‡All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.4POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC = 15 V,f = 10 kHz, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted)reference sectionPARAMETEROutput voltage (REF)Input regulationOutput regulationShort-circuit output current‡TEST CONDITIONSTESTCONDITIONS†IO = 1 mAVCC = 7 V to 40 VIO = 1 mA to 10 mAREF = 0 VTL494YMINTYP†52125MAXUNITVmVmVmA†All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.‡Duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second.oscillator section, CT = 0.01 µF, RT = 12 kΩ (see Figure 1)PARAMETERFrequencyStandard deviation of frequency§Frequency change with voltageAll values of VCC, CT, RT, and TA constantVCC = 7 V to 40 V†All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.§Standard deviation is a measure of the statistical distribution about the mean as derived from the formula:TEST CONDITIONSTESTCONDITIONS†TL494YMINTYP†101001MAXUNITkHzHz/kHzHz/kHzs+ǸȍN(xn*X)2N*1n+1error-amplifier section (see Figure 2)PARAMETERInput offset voltageInput offset currentInput bias currentOpen-loop voltage amplificationUnity-gain bandwidthCommon-mode rejection ratioOutput sink current (FEEDBACK)TESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 VVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 VVO (FEEDBACK) = 2.5 V∆VO = 3 V,RL = 2 kΩ,VO = 0.5 V to 3.5 V,∆VO = 40 VVO = 0.5 V to 3.5 VRL = 2 kΩTL494YMINTYP†2250.295800800.7MAXUNITmVnAµAdBkHzdBmAVID = –15 mV to –5 V,V (FEEDBACK) = 0.7 V†All typical values, except for parameter changes with temperature, are at TA = 25°C.POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•5SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC = 15 V, f = 10 kHz (unless otherwise noted)output sectionPARAMETERCollector off-state currentEmitter off-state currentCollectoremittersaturationvoltageCollector-emitter saturation voltageOutput control input currentCommon emitterEmitter followerTESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVCE = 40 V,VCC = VC = 40 V,VE = 0,VO(C1 or C2) = 15 V,VCC = 40 VVE = 0IC = 200 mAIE = –200 mATL494, TL494YMINTYP†21.11.5MAX100–1001.32.53.5UNITµAµAVmA VI = Vref†All typical values except for temperature coefficient are at TA = 25°C.dead-time control section (see Figure 1)PARAMETERInput bias current (DEAD-TIME CTRL)Maximum duty cycle, each outputInputthresholdvoltage(DEADTIMECTRL)Input threshold voltage (DEAD-TIME CTRL)TESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVI = 0 to 5.25 VVI (DEAD-TIME CTRL) = 0, CT = 0.1 µF, RT = 12 kΩZero duty cycleMaximum duty cycle0TL494, TL494YMINTYP†–245%33.3VMAX–10UNITµA†All typical values except for temperature coefficient are at TA = 25°C.PWM comparator section (see Figure 1)PARAMETERInput threshold voltage (FEEDBACK)Input sink current (FEEDBACK)TESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSZero duty cycleV (FEEDBACK) = 0.7 V0.3TL494, TL494YMINTYP†40.7MAX4.5UNITVmA†All typical values except for temperature coefficient are at TA = 25° devicePARAMETERStandbysupplycurrentStandby supply currentAverage supply currentRT = VRT=Vreff,TESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSAllotherinputsandoutputsopenAll other inputs and outputs openVCC = 15 VVCC = 40 VSee Figure 1TL494, TL494YMINTYP†697.5MAX1015UNITmAmAVI (DEAD-TIME CTRL) = 2 V,†All typical values except for temperature coefficient are at TA = 25°C.switching characteristics, TA = 25°CPARAMETERRise timeFall timeRise timeFall timeTESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSCommonemitterconfigurationCommon-emitter configuration,EmitterfollowerconfigurationEmitter-follower configuration,SeeFigure3See Figure 3SeeFigure4See Figure 4TL494, TL494YMINTYP†1002510040MAX200100200100UNITnsnsnsns†All typical values except for temperature coefficient are at TA = 25°C.6POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONVCC = 15 V124312 kΩ650.01 µF12161513VCCDTCFEEDBACKRTCTC1E1C2E2891110Output 2150 Ω2 W150 Ω2 WOutput 1TestInputs1IN+1IN–2IN+2IN–ErrorAmplifiers14OUTPUTCTRLGND7REF50 kΩTEST CIRCUITVoltageat C1Voltageat C2VCC0 VVCC0 VVoltageat CTThreshold VoltageDTC0 VThreshold VoltageFEEDBACK0.7 VDuty Cycle0%MAXVOLTAGE WAVEFORMS0%Figure 1. Operational Test Circuit and WaveformsPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•7SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONAmplifier Under Test+VI–FEEDBACK +Vref–Other AmplifierFigure 2. Amplifier Characteristics15 V68 Ω2 WOutputCL = 15 pF(See Note A)90%Each OutputCircuittftr90%10%10%TEST CIRCUITNOTE A:CL includes probe and jig capacitance.OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMFigure 3. Common-Emitter Configuration15 VEach OutputCircuitOutput68 Ω2 W10%90%90%CL = 15 pF(See Note A)10%trtfTEST CIRCUITNOTE A:CL includes probe and jig capacitance.OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMFigure 4. Emitter-Follower Configuration8POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TL494PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074B – JANUARY 1983 – REVISED JULY 1999TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSOSCILLATOR FREQUENCY ANDFREQUENCY VARIATION†vsTIMING RESISTANCE100 k40 k–2%10 k4 k1 k400100CT = 1 µF40101 k–1%0%0.1 µF†Df = 1%0.01 µFVCC = 15 VTA = 25°C0.001 µFf – Oscillator Frequency and Frequency Variation – Hz4 k10 k40 k100 k400 k1 MRT – Timing Resistance – Ω†Frequency variation (∆f) is the change in oscillator frequency that occurs over the full temperature range.Figure 5AMPLIFIER VOLTAGE AMPLIFICATIONvsFREQUENCY100A – Amplifier Voltage Amplification – dB9080706050403020100110 1001 k10 k100 k1 MVCC = 15 V∆VO = 3 VTA = 25°Cf – Frequency – HzFigure 6POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•9IMPORTANT NOTICE
Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant informationto verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are soldsubject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including thosepertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.
TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale inaccordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extentTI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarilyperformed, except those mandated by government requirements.
In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operatingsafeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.
TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or representthat any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or otherintellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which suchsemiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any thirdparty’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.
Copyright © 1999, Texas Instruments Incorporated