
GRE issue 超好用例子

2023-10-19 来源:好走旅游网

GRE issue material

(1) Sarah Brightman 莎拉.布莱曼(就是音乐剧《猫》里唱MEOMORY那个) 这个可以写determination什么的

She was a workaholic from an early age, never waste a minute of time.

Straight from school, she went to ballet lessons. When she got home at eight, she went to bed. She got up at four in the morning to do her homework and then began the schedule all over again.

When she was a teenager, she decided to try her hand, or her vocals, at singing.


(2)Prisoner Abuse 虐囚事件(伊拉克战争的那个丑闻)


Since the “60 Minutes II” broadcast, pictures of abuse have been posted on the Internet and shown on television stations worldwide.


Watergate (这个都知道)

Zipper gate(这是说克林顿的) Enron gate(这是说小布什) Muckraker 专门报道丑闻的记者

the Forth Estate 第四阶级,在美国媒体被称为第四权力或第四阶级

(3)A Message to Garcia 致加西亚的信(前两年很火的书)

It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing. (4)Nictzche尼采 这厮有句名言:

“One has to pay dearly for immortality. One has to die several times while one is still alive.”


(5)William Hung 孔庆祥(这人前两年可是火得不行~)

American Idol 美国偶像(超女就是中国版的美国偶像) Lovable loser 可爱的失败者

He didn’t survive the first cut. His performance was interrupted by Simon Cowell (评委), You can’t dance. You can’t sing. So what do you want me to say?

Hung earnestly and humbly replied: I already gave my best, and I have no regret at all.


(6)Homer 荷马史诗

The Homeric poems for the first time expressed ideas of rationality and emancipation from myth.

In homer we also find for the first time the spirit of competition. In time this became the Olympic Idea----an idea of noble contest marked by a spirit of high moral endeavor, rather than that of antagonism.

(7)Nancy Reagan & Ronald Reagan 里根夫妇

With Nancy Reagan at his side, Ronald Reagan went to become governor of California and one of the most influential presidents in American history.

The image of Nancy can range from a frivolous, controlling socialite to a savvy woman, loyal friend and steadfast helpmate.

She is unpopular in the early years of her husband’s presidency----due in part to a flap over her purchase of new china for the white house during a deep recession. After leaving Washington, Nancy became a more sympathetic figure. She stood beside her ailing husband during his struggle with Alzheimer’s disease.

Nancy encourages her husband, who had once famously referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire”, to begin a dialogue with Soviet leaders. The thaw led to a number of agreements to reduce nuclear war.

(8) Martina Hingis 辛吉斯(网坛名将)

“99 percent certain” that she will never compete again and add to her seven grand slam titles or the 209 weeks she spent as world No.1.

She started her new career: television commentary.

In the end, chronic heel problems and a dwindling desire to play through pain did the job for her opponents, forcing her to retire at 22.

Retirement does not dull her sense of humor. “ I love commentary. This way I make it to the finals no matter what.”

(9) crop circle 麦田怪圈

Many skeptics have discussed whether or not these designs are the creation of humans, supernatural forces, or aliens.

Ever since the 1970s, when a surge of strange but immaculate circular shapes began appearing in fields in southern England, people from around the globe have sought answers to this enigma.

With groups such as the Circle Makers and the like now taking credit for many of the circles, hoaxers are trying to add more mystery to their creations by delving into religious beliefs and supernatural phenomena, turning this practice into a virtual underground expression, and securing its interests for years to come. 这个是写神秘迷信的绝好例子。


(10)Li Yundi 李云迪(钢琴王子啊!)

Victory in 2000 at the renowned Warsaw Chopin Competition 华沙肖邦钢琴大赛 Brief but intense musical development

At the age of nine he had decided on his professional goal---- he wanted to become a pianist.

Li was not only one of the youngest winners in the history of the competition, but also the first person in 15 years to be awarded a first prize.

Young artists----particularly from china----were reproached for a lack of interpretative abilities----in other words, for a lack of depth----one was now forced to recognize that the grounds for such prejudices have gone.

How does a pianist educated outside of the European cultural circle penetrate Chopin’s world of conflict and sense of longing for his homeland?

这个例子可以用来写志向啦,偏见啦, 艺术理解什么的。。。很好用的例子。

(11)the Brooklyn Bridge 布鲁克林大桥----意志之桥

Connect the island of Manhattan with the borough of Brooklyn

1883, a creative engineer name John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting…

别人嘲笑说:impossible feat , chase wild vision

After discussion and persuasion, he managed to convince his son Washington.

A tragic accident on the site took the life of John. Washington was injured and left with a certain amount of brain damage, not being able to move except his fingers.

In spite of his handicap, Washington was never discouraging and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind still as sharp as before.

For 13 years, Washington tapped out his instructions with his fingers on his wife’s arm.

The bridge stands as a tribute to the triumph of one’s indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances.

Also the tribute of to the engineers and their team work Tangible monument to the love and devotion of his wife

This is the best example of a never-say-die attitude that overcome a terrible physical handicap and achieves an impossible goal.

Seemingly impossible dreams can be realized with determination and persistence, no matter what the odds are.


(12) The Praying Hands 祈祷之手


Albrecht Durer (画家杜勒) won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert (杜勒的哥哥) went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother.

To pay homage to Albert for all he had sacrificed, Durer painstakingly drew his brother’s abused hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward.

No one ever gain success alone.


(13). Michael Schumacher

Schumacher has transformed F1 from a sport to a technology war.

He has learned about the technology of racing while working alongside his father, a small-town repairman for kiddie race cars.

He understands the crucial importance of building the team and technologies around him.


(14) Media 媒体----斩首录像(伊斯兰恐怖组织把人质斩首过程的录像交给媒体,并在互连网上大范围传播,制造恐慌。)

Videos of kidnappers holding foreign hostages at gunpoint.

Any one can use the Internet to manipulate and frighten. Growing uncertainty over the credibility of Web sites

Islamic militant groups use the Internet as a terror platform.

Web sites, Arabic satellite television channels and even news agencies have become tools of Islamic terrorists to install fear.

Media organizations need to draw up a new code of ethics to counter the goals of Islamic terrorist groups and deny them the popularity to threaten and terrorize. 这个是媒体负面作用的绝好材料。

(15). Theodore Zeldin 泽尔丁教授 新谈话运动 (就是很多风马牛不相及的人聚在一起,两个人为一小组,抛开没用的客套,讨论一些很有深度的话题,比如对爱情的看法云云~貌似很有趣!)

President of the Oxford Muse Foundation. He is a philosopher, sociologist, historian,

writer and public speaker.

He focus on how work can be made less boring and frustrating, how conversation can be less superficial, how individuals can be more honest.

(16)French Revolution 法国大革命

This revolution changed the structure of society, create new ideologies, produce the modern doctrine of nationalism.

Parisians fell the Bastille Prison(巴士底狱), which is a symbol of tyranny by the monarchy.


(17)Three Gorges Dam 三峡工程 Largest dam in the world

As wide as the Golden Gate Bridge, and twice as tall One of the biggest hydropower-complex projects 国家的力量,合作,旅游,等等等等~ (18)墨西哥独立之父

Hidalgo is hailed as the “Father of the Nation” whose speeches gave courage to an entire nation. He is considered to be precursor and creator of the rest of the heroes of the Mexican War of independence. The story about him is deeply embedded into the political and educational system of the country for years to come. Yet, achievement of independence would have been impossible without the endeavors of the liberal insurgents who adhered to resist tyranny. These people rarely have been in the limelight while the history is replete with stories about a few famous individuals. (大众与伟人的关系)

(19)Cyrus West Field was an American businessman who led the Atlantic Telegraph Company which laid the first transatlantic telegraph cable. Against all odds, Field adhered to finish the engineer even if the first cable broke down only three weeks afterward. As a result, the transatlantic telegraph cable sped up communication to within minutes which could only happen over ship before, integrating two continents into one world. (20)

William Harvey (1578-1657), English physician, who discover the circulation of the blood and role of the heart in propelling it, thus refuting the theories of Galen, which was regarded as authority and laying foundation for modern physiology. Harvey’s De Motu Cordis subjected him to severe criticism by some contemporaries, but this was more than compensated for by the latter widespread recognition of his contribution. 一、

T87 新手和老手,专家更容易有重大发现

1)自然领域:居里夫人Madame Curie发现放射性物质,丰富的实践经验和扎实的理论基础,以及不懈的努力。

In the realm of nature, Madame Curie discovered the radioactive substance, which resulted form her numerous practical experience, solid theoretical basis and untiring endeavor.

Untiring endeavor

2)自然领域:宝石鉴定Gem Identification

3)社会领域: 考古学,大量的历史知识和考古经验,越资深,越容易有重大发现。

In the realm of society, taking archeology for example, important discovery requires considerable historic knowledge and rich experience. The more experience, the more possible for one to discover important things.

二、学科之间的联系 1.


Without supporting advances in calculus, the filed of economics would never have seen the booming growth of its last 20 years. Mathematics helped convert economics from a qualitative定性的, speculative推测的 field to a quantitative定量的, definitive one. 2.


The development of optics promote the progress of painting arts, many painting techniques绘画手法are derived from artists’ understanding of light. 3.


Philosophy is the foundation of all science, which accelerates the development of nature science and help people to understand them in essence. 4.


The theories of mathematics as well facilitate the advancement of economy and the researches of economy. The famous Nash Equilibrium is derived from the game theory in mathematics.

三、He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new; and have sufficient courage and skill to face novel facts and deal with them. ??谁说的啊?? 四、


However, the achievement of a great person was always received as unacceptable by residents in their contemporary. 1.

(这个例子很新!!!)The paintings of Tomas Eakins, now recognized among the greatest in American tradition, were rejected as intolerable by his sitters. (Thomas Eakins的绘画作品,现在被认为是美国传统上最杰出的画家,但是曾经却被他的被画人所坚决抵制。) 2.

Van Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken a record in selling for 50

million, only sold out one his painting in his whole life.

梵高,他其中的两幅作品最近打破了5000万的售价。但是他的整个人生只卖出过一副作品 3.

(这个例子很新!!!)When the French gave the Statue of Liberty to our nation in 1886, the Augusta Chronicle -- in Georgia -- condemned it as a pagan/heretical image unsuitable to our country.

1886年当法国人把自由女神像给我们时,The Augusta Chronicle(美国的一个媒体公司)谴责这是异教徒的画像,不适合我们的国家

When the French gave America the State of Liberty in 1886, the mass media condemned that it is a pagan image unsuitable for the United of State, yet now, State of Liberty becomes the symbol of America. When the French gave the Stature of Liberty to the U.S. in 1886, the Augusta Chronicle—in Georgia-condemn it as a heretical image unsuitable to the U.S.. 4.

Monet---Sunrise 5.

Arthur Schopenhauer, nearly devoting all his life to refute the theory of Hegel, didn’t get the recognition originally belonging to him原本属于他的until his old time. 6.

Aristotle亚里士多德、Socrates苏格拉底、柏拉图Plato 7.

【正面例子】The famous English writer George Bernard Shaw is a case in point, who published numerous compositions during his life and received the Nobel Price for Literature in 1925. 8. 五、

质疑精神、挑战权威 1.


Quantum mechanics and relativity established by Einstein have challenged and revealed the boundaries of validity of classical mechanics proposed by Newton. 2.


Bacon advocated that “Knowledge is power”, and encouraged people to test authority in

order to obtain real knowledge, which caused knowledge to require certain skepticism to whatever we study even since the dawn of our civilization. 3.


Same thought have also preoccupied Descartes who considered holding little suspicions to the wholly spread religions is the only way to expunge prejudice from our mundane life. 4.


Human beings have paid tribute to Copernicus for the first step he took in ignoring established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumption of astronomy for publishing his Heliocentric conjecture that the earth and other planets revolves around the sun.

In the realm of nature science, Copernicus proposed that earth and other planets were revolving around the sun, thus refuting the theory of Heliocentric supported by church, which subjected him to severe criticism by some contemporaries at the beginning. His theory didn’t be published until his death under the pressure of church. 5.

哈维(生前得不到认可) Vesalius, Servetus(得不到认可,go to the stake火刑), Harvey 相互继承,共同推翻了Galen的理论质疑

It is the same with Harvey, English physician, who discovered the circulation of the blood and the role of the heart in propelling it, thus refuting the theories of Galen, which were regarded as authority and laying the foundation for modern physiology. 6.

Arthur Schopenhauer 7.

Galileo 勇敢的质疑 Aristotle 在比萨斜塔上(THE leaning tower of pisa) the velocity is the same . 8.

【特例—相互继承】Newton ,If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants

XXX, well-known ZZZ, discovered/ proposed 个人贡献/社会财富MMM, thus refuting驳斥、质疑the theories of YYY and laying the foundation for NNN参考历史,过去对现在的影响. XXX collaborate with QQQ 合作had good-natured argument through his lives with SSS分歧. Although XXX’s MMM subjected him to severe criticism by some contemporaries at the beginning思想超前, this was more than compensated for by the later wide spread recognition of his contribution真理经得住考验. 六、




沙文主义 chauvinism or jingoism lead to such atrocities as persecution, genocide, war and so on.偶像崇拜 irrational frenzy at idol

文化大革命Cultural Revolution hold back the development of China in the 1970s, at the same time persecuted a large number of loyal part members. 八、 一些人物 Van Gogh

生前不被认可:The still life paintings of Van Gogh, two of which have recently broken all the record in selling for 50 million, were only been sold out one in the entire of his life.

艺术反映社会: Arts sometimes reflect the problem and phenomenon of society. Take Van Gogh for example, one of his paintings “Potato Eaters” reflects the misery and poverty of humanities as he saw the miners in Belgium.

艺术家很穷:He always has nothing to eat, suffer from extreme poverty.

坚持自己的梦想,坚忍:Prodigies often could not receive contemporary appreciation and comprehension, Van Gogh is proper to be mentioned as a representative of this kind. He created impressionism on painting, which was accepted many years later his death. However, he pursued his own ideas and faith until he couldn’t pick up a pencil. Monet

作品不被认可 Monet’s famous work “Impression: Sunrise” was not understood initially, however this work eventually earned its reputation and lead to the name of “Impressionism”.

艺术家很穷 He didn’t find acclaim and wealth to later in his life and always had nothing to eat, suffering from extreme poverty. 九、 社会问题

In my eyes, the three major problems in the society today are unemployment, violence, and pollution. 十、

Long-term and short-term长期和短期 1.

Just as a famous socialist Beecher( and I paraphrase) ever said that:” we should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress”. 2.

Nanometer Technology纳米技术对于环境污染、人体健康研究的巨大贡献。

Recently, scientists have arrived at a conclusion by long-term research of Nanometer Technology that pollutants and bacteria spread in the air at the scale of nanometer, which provide an important contribution to the research of how to solve the problem of environmental problems and improve the human health. 3.

The ACAS in England is set up to coordinate the relationship between the rights of worker and the long-term development of national economy. 十一、 法律 1.

Agnew-Agnewism 维护法律的不可侵犯性defend the inviolability of law 2.

中国被迫修订网络犯罪的法律 China revise the law about network crime 3.

Law Commission in England is established especially to revise laws in order to keep laws updating along with time. 十二、 性格形成 1.

A notable example with regard to the famous economist Arthor Lewis, who get the Nobel Price of Economy in 1979, when he stood at the podium领奖台, he said that it was the support of his mother and family that help him to get engaged in economy, and got the award. Another example can be given relating to Michael Phelps菲尔普斯 by the same token.(individuals or small groups vs. society as a whole) 2.

The Chinese people are proper to be mentioned as representative to demonstrate this view. Confuciunism, 孔子儒家文化derived from the ancient China, shapes Chinese such persons modest, tolerant, hardworking. 3.

Arab women use headcloth 4.

French wear romantic clothes 5.

Chinese wear jeans— 观点的变化 bad--fashion 十三、 包罗万象 1.

奖项 T61

Such awards as Oscar奥斯卡 in the realm of movie, Clio Award柯林斯in the realm of advertisement, Hugo Award 雨果in the realm of literature enrich American society and promote the development of culture. 2.


Great Wall in China, Pyramid in Egypt, the Status of Liberty in America 十四、

个人的成就、贡献 社会 1.

Roosevelt and his New Deal save American form Great Depression. 2.

Bill Gates’s Microsoft brings about a new electronic age 电子时代for human being. 3.

President Abraham Lincoln gave the American Civil War a new political direction. He had freed Negro slaves in the rebel states of the south as well as saved the nation. 艺术 4.

Picasso creates the impressionism which enriches the arts and culture. 5.

It is Beethoven who left the world with so many great compositions, which are so infective, unforgettable and can not be replaced. 6.

It is Shakespeare, who created the greatest English literature. 7.

Newton, who laid the foundation of calculus, formulated three fundamental laws of mechanics, leading to the law of gravitation万有引力定律. 8.

It is Einstein who put forward Theory of Relativity相对论 and also gave a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect光电效应. 9.

Roentgen discovery x-ray all by himself.


1.Coca cola’s concept is to cultivate a competitor will not only benefit itself a lot, but also be a conductive to the development of the whole area.

2. In diamond fields, the emergence of Raviv not only breaks down the monopoly of DeBeers but also provides the consumer with better product and better diamonds service.

3. In education realms, limited quota and higher requirement of enrolls drives students to compete with others to raising the average level of their qualities. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.


Long-term research may not give out immediate benefits, but it is relevant to the critical problem of our offspring’s survival.

The main purpose of the two Mars exploration aircrafts is not just only to look for any living bodies on the Mars, but to search whether there is living condition for any beings to survival. To solve the deteriorating problems of resources, ecology and population.

As Beecher has once said “We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go into the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.”

It is our government’s duties to conciliate the contradiction of them by macro mechanism. Coordination of the short-term interests of workers with the government’s long-term planning made by ACSA of England in 1925, which greatly reduced the once high striking rate.

三. 法律公正性

Justice juristic Law Commission an England independent, government-founded organization that reviews laws which need updating, reforming or developing. 五.教育
