《暨南大 学研究生 教材·研 究生英语 读写译教 程》是2 009年 暨南大学 出版社出 版的图书 ,作者是 李知宇。小编还为您整理了以下内容,可能对您也有帮助:
Confucius was a great thinker and ecator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage". His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius.
Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on ecation, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community.