
用Mediterranean Sea造句子

2022-05-03 来源:好走旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【Mediterranean Sea造句】内容,供您参考。

1、They also range widely, traversing the Atlantic Ocean to reach breeding grounds in the Mediterranean Sea.(同时,他们分布广泛,会穿过大西洋到地中海去繁殖。)

2、The Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy is littered with volcanoes.(意大利海岸附近的地中海里散落着火山群。)

3、These areas are around the Mediterranean Sea, and also in California, Chile, South Africa and Australia.(这些经营区环绕在地中海沿岸,加利福尼亚、智利、南非、和澳大利亚也有。)

4、It is situated on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by France on three sides.(它坐落在地中海上,三面被法国包围。)

5、Wine, bread, olive oil and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yielded abundant quantities of fish.(该地区的其他主食还有葡萄酒、面包、橄榄油和坚果,而地中海历来盛产鱼类。)

6、Visitors can descend into the gorge and walk a little more than 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) to the Mediterranean Sea.(游客可以下行谷底,步行稍多于4英里(6.4公里),就可以抵达地中海。)

7、The African colonies clustered in particular around the great promontory which, with Sicily opposite, forms the narrowest channel on the main Mediterranean Sea route.(非洲殖民地尤其集中在大海角周围,该海角与西西里岛相对,形成了地中海主要航线上最窄的航道。)

8、The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.(怪石嶙峋的卡西斯悬崖从地中海中拔地而起。)

9、corsair: a corsair is a french seaman or privateer who sailed mostly in the south mediterranean sea.(海盗(corsair):这个词专指主要在南地中海地区航行的法国水手或海盗船长。)

10、Andalusia: a region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea the strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic ocean.(安达卢西亚:西班牙南部一地区,位于地中海,直布罗陀海峡和大西洋交界处。)

11、Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea.(在地中海上,雅典熠熠生辉。)

12、From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemo's Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy.(从5月到9月,卢卡和其他潜水员在距离意大利诺里海岸150英尺的地中海奈莫花园工作。)

13、Diving and sailing in the Mediterranean Sea are also popular activities in this area.(在地中海潜水和航海也是此区受欢迎的活动。)

14、The boats set sail from Cyprus on Friday and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hour journey on the Mediterranean Sea.(这两艘船星期五从塞浦路斯启航,在地中海上经过32个小时的航程抵达加沙。)

15、The Mediterranean diet is a diet followed by many nations in the Mediterranean Sea region.(在整个地中海地区,许多国家都遵行着地中海式饮食。)

16、And largely for this reason that political power in Europe was centered for centuries in the South, around the Mediterranean Sea, which was where they could grow these grains with more reliability.(很大程度上,由于这个原因,欧洲的政治权力几个世纪以来都集中在南部,围绕着地中海区域,在那里他们可以更放心地种植这些谷物。)

17、The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea.(鼓励地中海饮食的国家都处在地中海周围。)

18、The Antikythera Mechanism was found a hundred years ago, under water in an ancient Greek shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea.(100年前,人们在水下,在地中海的一艘古希腊沉船发现了安提基西拉机械装置。)

19、The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shores of Italy.(地中海滋润着意大利的海岸。)

20、Mediterranean Pirates: These pirates sailed from many different countries that bordered the Mediterranean Sea.(地中海海盗:这些海盗从不同的国家驶向地中海域。)

21、Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.(好几艘军舰正在地中海上游弋。)

22、You find Mycenaean elements on some excavated tools, other things, pottery particularly of a certain kind, all over the Mediterranean Sea.(你可以在一些发掘的工具及其他物品,特别是某种陶器上,发现迈锡尼文明的影子遍布地中海区域。)

23、The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804, which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea, provides another tragic reminder of why.(埃及航空804号航班很可能是由于恐怖分子袭击,于地中海坠机,这一悲剧的发生也证明了为何乘客愿意忍受耗时的安检流程。)

24、The Mediterranean Sea offers a glimpse into one possible future for the world's oceans.(地中海为我们展示了一幅未来世界海洋的画面。)

25、From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea.(货物从那里被运到地中海对岸。)

26、By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing.(到公元前1000年,居住在地中海附近地区的人们已经开发出一套更简单的书写系统。)

27、A clear starry night over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.(地中海东部尽头星光闪闪的夜晚。)

28、A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea east-southeast of Marseille.(土伦法国东南一城市,濒临地中海,位于马赛东南以东。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


