
excuse from造句

2022-05-03 来源:好走旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【excuse from造句】内容,供您参考。

1、Anyone can say "I am ready to love" but deep inside, it is just their excuse sometimes to save themselves from the pain and humiliation of coming from a failed relationship.(这就话人人都可以说出口,但是,在内心里,有时,这只是逃避痛苦或摆脱恋爱失败觉得丢脸的借口。)

2、excuse me, are you mr.wilson from the united states?(请问,您是从美国来的威尔逊先生吗?)

3、These other countries will claim their difficulties result from the contagion effects of Greece's imminent default, but that excuse is not persuasive.(其他这些国家将会宣称他们的困境都要归因于希腊正在迫近的债务偿还不能所造成的传染效应,不过这种理由并不能成立。)

4、Just because the rest of the world isn't perfect doesn't excuse us from our own responsibility to be responsible.(只是因为世界上其他地方并不完美,我们没有借口推脱应该承担的责任。)

5、Although it sounds like a good excuse to avoid physical activity, one that suffers from this allergy will tell you that is not so simple.(虽然说这的确是一个非常好的理由来避免运动,但是患有这种过敏症状的人会告诉你事情并不那么轻松。)

6、At least, that's the excuse I'll be using from now on.(至少,这就是我准备从现在开始用facebook的理由。)

7、If you need to leave the table, excuse yourself from the group or at least with the people sitting next to you.(如果你需要离开餐桌,要跟这一桌的人解释一下,至少要跟坐在你旁边的人说一声。)

8、So, if you are excusing yourself from church attendance and even pursuing the things of God themselves, you really have no excuse.(因此,如果你正在为自己不参加教堂礼拜甚或追随上帝而找借口,那你其实一点借口都没有。)

9、Ding Lin: Excuse me, but are you Mrs. Brown and Tommy from California?(丁林:对不起,你们是从加州来的布朗太太和汤米吗?)

10、Excuse me, are you from the UK?(请问,你是英国人吗?)

11、Another excuse for the states not to yield power is that other big insurance markets are far from consistent.(各州不采取行动的另外一个借口就是其他国家庞大的保险市场也没有统一化。)

12、Now I really chosethis word as an excuse to introduce another guy from the history ofetymology.(现在,我就是想找个理由,选这个词,从词源学的历史上来介绍一位伙计。)

13、Excuse me. I am from China to visit my son.(对不起。我从中国来看望我儿子。)

14、This naughty boy is far from honest and his excuse is pretty thin.(这个调皮的男孩很不老实,他的借口一点儿也站不住脚。)

15、The iPhone and the iPad give web developers an excuse to break free from traditional user interfaces.(而这正是iPhone和iPadgiveWeb的开发者摒弃传统用户界面的理由。)

16、Don't believe they can create large sums of money so they conveniently excuse themselves from the challenge, or.(是这样的,要么是他们坚信他们不能赚大钱,所以他们轻而易举地为自己的逃避挑战找借口。)

17、We cannot excuse from the suffering of the victims, nor find an excuse to leave a stain for the newspaper.(我们不能为受害人所受的痛苦开脱,也不能为本报留下的污点找借口。)

18、You will also be tempted to use it as an excuse to exempt yourself from meeting some needs.(也有可能你把它作为不需要履行义务的一个借口。)

19、Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown from Paris?(请问,您是从巴黎来的布朗先生吗?)

20、I guess he'd forgotten he used the same excuse when he called his boss from my house.(我猜他忘了他在我家给老板打电话时也用了同样的借口。)

21、A wall clock is another nice way to decorate your wall and a good excuse to look away from your screen now and again to help preserve your eyes from strain.(挂钟是装饰墙壁的另一个方式,也是一个不时把视线从屏幕移开的绝好理由,这可以防止眼睛疲劳。)

22、One excuse for such intransigence comes from the messy transition now taking place in the insurance markets.(共和党拒绝合作的理由之一是眼下医保市场的混乱过渡。)

23、Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating.(请原谅葛萝瑞娅对吉姆所做的事吧她今天是管事人呢。)

24、Yet you excuse yourself from taking action by procrastination or laziness which is nothing more than ego trying to stop you.(然而,对于因为行动中的拖延或懒惰使得自己停滞不前的行为,你却饶恕了自己。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


