
用lock up造句子

2022-05-03 来源:好走旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【lock up造句】内容,供您参考。

1、If this is the case, you can be sure that some users will lock up their account trying their old password beyond what the loginretries allows.(如果是这样,肯定会有一些用户多次尝试用旧密码登录,直到超过loginretries允许的次数,导致账户锁定。)

2、In the states that currently lock up the most people, imprisoning more would actually increase crime, they believe.(他们认为,目前在一些在押犯最多的州,实际上抓的人越多犯罪率会越高。)

3、It's not my job to lock up!(上锁不是我的事儿!)

4、To ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist to lock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property.(在竞争对手看来,谷歌如同一只精于垄断的老狐狸,厚颜无耻到竟然想把世界最宝贵的知识财富锁进自家柜里。)

5、Half the states have laws that lock up habitual offenders for life.(美国有一半的州都有关押惯犯的法律。)

6、The days when software vendors could lock up users' data with nary a peep from their customers are over.(软件厂商看都不看一眼客户而将其数据锁起来的日子一去不复返了。)

7、Do not use a different GCC when compiling the kernel image and the user space tools because it can result in a system lock up.(编译内核映像和用户空间工具时不要使用不同的gcc,因为这可能会造成系统的锁定。)

8、With kernel 2.4.4, the kernel would immediately lock up.(如果是2.4.4内核,内核会立即锁定。)

9、Since then, several research groups have also looked at the mineral apatite, which can lock up water in its chemical structure, in lunar rocks.(从那之后,许多研究队伍也对矿物磷灰石进行了研究,这种矿物的化学结构能够锁住月岩中的水分。)

10、Mr. Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lock up his client.(米尔纳先生说服联邦检查官不要把他的当事人关起来。)

11、lock up mineral rights around the world?(控制全世界的矿权?)

12、Countries that need oil are clawing at each other to lock up scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, no matter how unpleasant, to do it.(需要石油的国家正在互相撕咬以锁定稀缺的石油供应,并且,无论这种事会多么令人不愉快,它们都愿意与任何政府打交道。)

13、the people who make electronics gear fret that if they don't lock up agreements for exclusive music or videos, consumers won't pay top price.(电子设备商着急的是如果他们不锁定独占的音乐或视频合同,消费者就不会花大钱买。)

14、lock up your daughters.(一定看管好你的女儿。)

15、Once he managed to lock up all 33 jailers and prison workers, he made sure to let them all know that the gun was a phony.(当将所有的狱卒和监狱工作共33人全部制服后,他还特意让他们知道这支枪是假的。)

16、In response to those restrictions, grain-importing countries are trying to nail down long-term trade agreements that would lock up future grain supplies.(作为对这些限制的回应,粮食进口国正试图敲定长期贸易协议,以锁定未来的粮食供应。)

17、Absolutely—but don't lock up your coffee pot just yet.(绝对可能——但还没有到要锁上你咖啡壶的地步。)

18、The sack buyer was about to lock up.(收购麻袋的人正要锁门。)

19、High reserve requirements forced Banks to lock up much of the economy's savings in safe asset classes like government debt.(高准备金率则使银行必须以安全资产(比如国债)的形式持有大量储蓄。)

20、lock up all the doors before you go out.(出门之前锁上所有的门。)

21、I wonder how much of the eagerness to lock up people has to do with the growing privatization of the prison system in the U.S..(我想弄明白在美国热心于关人和不断增长的监狱系统私有化之间的关系。)

22、But the simplest way to help the black family would be to lock up fewer black men for non-violent offences.(但帮助黑人家庭最简单的办法是,若黑人男性涉非暴力犯罪,那就少判他们入狱。)

23、If AAPB could be recruited, they would provide an alternative way of getting the sea to lock up CO2.(如果AAPB可以被采纳,就将提供锁住海洋中二氧化碳的心方法。)

24、The lesson of High Point is that you can reduce crime by making credible threats, without having to lock up so many people.(高点采取的办法证明无需拘禁很多人,可信的威吓就能够减少犯罪。)

25、And lock up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve while you're at it - it has only about a month or so worth of oil in it, anyway.(与此同时把石油战略储备封存起来,它其实也只剩下一个月的原油消耗量。)

26、Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.(嗯,我商店的招牌上写着工作时间是10点到6点,但是如果生意比平时少的话,我就可以提前锁门离开了。)

27、Anything AT&T can do to lock up customers now is a good thing.(ToddRethemeier说,“现在AT&T所做的任何能够锁定客户的事情对他们就是非常好的事情。”)

28、One solution could lock up resources that are then no longer available to other solutions.(某个解决方案可能会锁定一些资源,这样它们就对其他解决方案不可用。)

29、In principle, any old trees would do—although they die and rot, more forest cover would lock up more carbon dioxide.(从理论上说,任何成木都能做到这一点,尽管它们也会枯萎腐烂,但是更大的森林覆盖将会锁住更多的二氧化碳。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


