

2022-05-03 来源:好走旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、This weakness begs for a regulatory hand to co-ordinate actions in the common interest.(这一弱点需要政策之手来为共同利益协调各自的行动.)

2、The result was an agreement between central banks to co-ordinate and limit future sales.(其结果是各国央行达成协议,协调限制今后的销售。)

3、Saying "let's meet at Kaffeine at noon" helps to co-ordinate a successful date.(“我们中午在Kaffeine见面吧”——这句话有助于撮合一次成功的约会。)

4、They also sent delegates to co-ordinate policy (building a road, say) with farmers in other valleys.(他们也派遣代表团去和其它山谷的农民协调政策(例如修建道路)。)

5、Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy.(数字技术也使人们更容易协调他们的活动,而不用诉诸等级制度。)

6、As we co-ordinate action, we must bring in the private sector and agri-business.(在我们协调行动之际,我们必须吸收私营部门和农业企业参与。)

7、It might also be hard for airlines to co-ordinate the departure times and destinations of passenger aircraft in a way that would allow them to gain from formation flight.(航空公司可能也很难协调客机的起飞时间和目的地,使它们能够从编队飞行中获益。)

8、How do businesses co-ordinate the flow of material from suppliers to factories to customers?(企业如何协调物资流从供应商到工厂再到顾客的过程?)

9、Most recently she said that countries should co-ordinate the timing of their bond issues.(最近她又表示,各国应该协调债券发售的时间。)

10、Member states co-ordinate policy collectively, but there are minimal sanctions for delinquents.(成员国集团协调政策,集体,但对违法者的制裁极其轻微。)

11、But it would do nothing to reduce Greece's debt burden and would be hugely difficult to co-ordinate.(但是这不会减少希腊的债务负担,同时这一计划非常难以协调。)

12、You must co-ordinate the creation of the cron job with the deployment of the message flows.(可以对cron作业的创建和消息流的部署进行协调。)

13、European countries have set up Operation Atalanta to co-ordinate their military efforts in the area.(欧洲国家已经建立了亚特兰大组织来协调针对这一地区的军事行动。)

14、There has been a growing awareness of the need for countries to get together to co-ordinate their policies.(人们越来越意识到,各国有必要联合起来,协调各自的政策。)

15、And how to co-ordinate with overseas companies.(怎样与海外公司合作。)

16、Earnest editorials often call for international talking shops to co-ordinate global demand.(为了协调全球性的需求,热心的社论文章经常呼吁国际间要多沟通[2]。)

17、It 's essential that you co-ordinate the new launch strategy.(由你来协调新的上市策略才是重要的。)

18、They will not find it easy to co-ordinate their efforts, even in the short term.(他们很快就会发现,即使是短期内协调彼此的努力方向也会是一件不容易的事。)

19、Mobile calls are for last-minute planning or to co-ordinate travel and meetings.(移动电话只为最后的计划或协调行动和会议。)

20、She thinks the industry has begun to co-ordinate better, but wants more to be done.(她认为整个行业已经开始更好的配合,但是要做的还有很多。)

21、The market structure is too fragmented for banks to co-ordinate their activities easily.(因为它的市场结构实在太过分散,导致投资银行没有办法轻易地协同活动。)

22、You need to co-ordinate with all the people across all the time zones.(你要和来自不同时区的人协调。)

23、California has set up a strategic growth council to co-ordinate infrastructure spending.(加州成立了一个战略性增长委员会,专门协调基础设施建设用款。)

24、rebels say they have a joint command centre outside benghazi, from where they co-ordinate with nato.(叛军说,他们在班加西外有一个联合指挥中心,他们在那与北约协调配合。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


