造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【hunger for造句】内容,供您参考。
1、That hunger for something epic is an important part of who I am and what I do.(渴望完成史诗般的事情是我这所以是我以及我所做之事重要的一部分。)
2、Now there is hunger for more discussion and more politics.(而现在急需更多的讨论、更多的政见。)
3、These all meet young people’s hunger for success.(所有这些都迎合了年轻人渴望成功的心理。)
4、Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth.(似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。)
5、So the animal may be eaten to satisfy the human hunger for flesh, but the life essence itself belongs to God.(因此,人们可以吃动物,来满足对肉的渴望,但是血属于上帝。)
6、The goal is to preserve this light comfortable level of air hunger for 2-3 minutes.(目的是保持这种轻微的缺氧的不舒服2~3分钟。)
7、One begins to hunger for some other views, even if less elegantly and sympathetically expressed.(即使温和地表示了同情,其中一方开始寻求其他观点。)
8、The interview was controlled too, and there were doors I could not peek behind, though it would have satisfied my curiosity and hunger for information.(这次采访也受到限制,尽管这本可以满足我的好奇心和对情报的渴望,但仍有许多我无法从后窥视的门道。)
9、Mr Murdoch has shown both a restless hunger for the next deal and the patience to invest for the long term-a rare combination.(默多克身上显示了一种极其罕见的矛盾体——对下一笔交易,永远充满着渴望;对长期投资,又拥有着足够的耐性。)
10、Some, in their hunger for meat, even cannibalized some of their own.(由于太想吃肉了,有些动物甚至吃掉了一些自己的同类。)
11、Some bread will keep off hunger for a while.(吃些面包会抵挡一会儿饥饿感。)
12、This hunger for victory comes from tasting multiple defeats as an adviser.(这种对于胜利的渴望来自他担任顾问期间多次的失败经历。)
13、Some women detest this, some love it, and some hunger for it.(某些女性憎恨它,某些爱它,还有某些对它如饥似渴。)
14、The sailor left for sea again because the hunger for voyages fed at his heart.(水手又出海了,因为周游四方的渴望啮着他的心。)
15、It was the crystalline intensity, the obsession with ideas, the hunger for perfection.(他所拥有的是水晶般的强烈愿望、观念的困扰以及对完美的渴望。)
16、He was blinded by hunger for power and full of steam.(对权力和勃发英气的渴望蒙蔽了他。)
17、Doom and gloom seem to incubate a hunger for the blackest of humour.(悲观和沮丧似乎在酝酿一个饥饿的黑色幽默。)
18、They liked the practice, because it was fast and exciting and it fed a hunger for learning that grew with every lesson.(他们喜欢这种练习,因为它速度快、叫人兴奋,还可以满足对学习的渴望,现在他们每上一课,这种对学习的渴望也就越大。)
19、Today China's hunger for iron ore pays for its infrastructure projects.(今天中国对铁矿的渴望为其基础设施项目支付了费用。)
20、Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless.(格芬对成功的渴望似乎永无止境。)
21、Its recovery has been pulled along by Chinese hunger for commodities-notably coal and palm oil.(它的复苏是受到中国对商品需要的拉动——特别是煤炭和棕榈油。)
22、But it seems clear that many people in Arab nations do share a universal hunger for liberty.(但是显然,阿拉伯国家中的许多人也同样具有对自由的普遍渴望。)
23、The woman behind “Triumph of the Will” had a rare hunger for success, and not just on the screen.(《意志的胜利》背后的这个女人对成功的渴望世所难见,而且不仅是在银幕上。)
24、The goal is to preserve this level of air hunger for 2-3 minutes with maximum possible relaxation of the body.(目标是保持这种缺氧(气)的状态2~3分钟,和身体的最大程度放松。)
25、Our hunger for the natural is everywhere.(我们对大自然的渴望随处可见。)
26、The days in court gave me a new hunger for the colors and smells of the nature.(在法庭上的那些日子,我对色彩和呼吸大自然的气息产生一种新的渴望。)
27、mr. dewey hungered after a cup of hot coffee and mrs. dewey had a hunger for a sunny day.(杜威先生渴望有一杯热咖啡,而杜威夫人渴望有一个晴天。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。