

2022-05-04 来源:好走旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、It cannot be understated just how important it is to let elements breathe in your design.(“留白”对于网页设计是很重要的,留白不至于让你页面元素都堆积在一起。)

2、Without Kayak's internal data, it is difficult to gauge what the 3% uptick - or more, if it truly is understated, as Hafner says - means.(没有Kayak的内部数据,我们很难去衡量这3%的流量上升意味着什么——而要是Hafner所谓的“被低估”是真实的,上升量还不止3%。)

3、such specs are usually understated, so i strongly recommend 2 gigabytes, even on cheap machines.(这样的规格通常是被低估的,因此我强烈建议2g的内存,即便是在低价电脑上。)

4、I like that the female cops on the show havesuch an understated rapport with their male co-workers.(怎么说呢,我喜欢剧里的女警们和男同事之间的低调关系。)

5、It still looks good, modern and understated styling matching your modern and understated life, but we're left wanting some updates.(它看起来仍非常棒,现代和简约的风格正好搭配你现代和简约的生活,但是我们仍然希望能有一些更新。)

6、That already looks rather understated(那样说已经是轻描淡写了)

7、Paired with flat boots, a miniskirt can be chic and understated.(配上平底靴,迷你裙穿在身上就显得既时髦又不至于太招摇。)

8、This may be the most understated design-driven activity on a website, but it carries huge value.(这或许是网站中认知度最高的设计行为,其价值巨大。)

9、His recommendation is an understated "underperform" - Wall Street code for sell.(他对于该股的持有者建议,是保守的“表现低于预期”——用华尔街的话说,就是要抓紧卖掉。)

10、The impact and importance of following an agile, iterative and incremental approach cannot be understated.(很多人无法理解遵循敏捷、迭代和递增的方法的影响和重要性。)

11、If you do achieve it, you are expected to shroud your wealth in locally grown produce, understated luxury cars and nubby fabrics.(一旦成功了,你可能会靠本地产食品、低调的豪华轿车和结子花织品这些虚饰来藏富。)

12、It is easy to miss the message behind this understated campaign, until the colour and shape of the ribbon catch the eye.(如果不是丝带的颜色及形状引人注意,恐怕这则朴素的广告背后的含义容易被人忽视。)

13、Durant has had the quietest, most understated summer of all.(杜兰特的这个夏天则过得极为安静也极为低调。)

14、Either that, or GDP is understated.(要么就这样,要么就是GDP被低估了。)

15、They'll create too much of a contrast with the understated pieces, and you risk appearing cartoonish with the whole mod look.(因为艳丽的颜色与素净的衣服搭配起来会显得太扎眼,弄不好就会让你的一身打扮看起来很卡通。)

16、In fact, he understated the case, by focusing only on financial confidence.(事实上,他将重心放在金融信心方面,这样就低估了当前的情况。)

17、But you understated how significant the experience was for Britain's learning curve in post-war international relations.(然而你却轻视了,从战后国际关系中英国的学习过程是多么有意义的经验。)

18、Her finely calibrated moral compass is matched by a reporter's knack for deft, understated description.(与她精细校准的道德罗盘匹配的是一个记者灵巧而朴素的描述技法。)

19、In conversation, as in his writings, Fukuyama is cool and understated.(在交谈中,就像在他的作品中一样,福山是一个冷静而言辞谨慎的人。)

20、Of course, to justify their poor preparation to combat such a large leak of oil, Hayward may have greatly understated its probability.(当然,唐熙华为了给公司与如此巨大的漏油事故中准备不足辩护,肯定对事故的概率有充分的了解。)

21、Before the scandal, Mrs. Madoff radiated an understated sense of taste.(丑闻之前,麦道夫太太表现出不俗的品味。)

22、I hope these three historic elements are handled subtly, in a powerfully understated way, in Obama's address.(我希望奥巴马能够在演说中用一种有力的、有保留的方式巧妙地处理这三个历史元素。)

23、They often understated their coal output.(他们常常少报他们的煤炭产量。)

24、What's more, the United States' deficit with countries that make component parts - such as Japan - is probably understated.(更何况,美国与日本这类制造零部件的国家的贸易逆差可能被低估了。)

25、I have always liked understated clothes.(我一向喜欢简朴的衣服。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


