造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、This book aims to demystify medical treatments.(这本书旨在使药物治疗简单化。)
2、In this informative class, we will demystify preparing fish.(在这一类信息,我们将准备神秘鱼。)
3、In an effort to demystify who.(在一个神秘的努力,谁。)
4、In a recent article, Roberta Piermartini and Robert Teh, two economists at the WTO, urge modellers to "demystify" their creations, making it clear to their audience what makes their models tick.(在最近一篇文章中,两位WTO经济学家robertaPiermartini和RobertTeh呼吁模型构造者揭开他们理论的面纱,使得听众们了解模型的运行机理。)
5、This article helped demystify some of the complexity using an example implementation of SCA.(本文通过一个SCA示例实现帮助您理解这些复杂性。)
6、In his article he tries to demystify the concepts around SOA.(他试图在自己的文章中揭开围绕SOA的这些概念的神秘面纱。)
7、well, we re here to demystify the process.(是啊,我们也在这里神秘性的过程。)
8、We need to clarify and demystify how health systems link usefully to health intervention programmes.(我们需要澄清和阐明卫生系统如何有益地与卫生干预规划相联系。)
9、This article aims to demystify some of this magic by showing how and where the transaction management occurs.(本文旨在通过展示事务管理如何发生,以及发生在何处来揭开这个魔术的神秘面纱。)
10、"You have to see how you can demystify the technology and bring it down to the community level so that they can manage, control and own the technology," said Roy.(罗伊说:“你能感觉到你解开了这项技术神秘的面纱,将它带入每一个社区。人们能够掌握、控制和拥有它。”)
11、Through his books, workshops, and public speaking appearances, he seeks to demystify the field of project management (PM) and make it accessible to newcomers.(通过出书,工作室和公共演讲,他设法让项目管理(PM)不再神秘,并让新人更容易入门。)
12、It helps demystify behaviours - guys, myself included, have been puzzled by why women shop the way they do.(这有助于揭秘行为——男人们(包括我自己)一直感到迷惑的行为:女人以她们的方式购物的。)
13、At its most successful, Vanished will demystify science, make it cooler and more approachable, and players will recognize the real impact science has on the world.(最成功的,就是绝迹让科学不再那么神秘化,使科学变的更酷,更好接近,同时玩家们会认识到科学在这个世界上真实的一面。)
14、In this course we demystify computers and the Internet, along with their jargon, so that students understand not only what they can do with each but also how it all works and why.(在课程中,我们去除掉计算机、网际网络及相关专业术语的神秘性,使学员不仅知道如何去处理相关问题,还能了解其执行原理。)
15、The sessions also used role playing and other techniques to “demystify” the psychodynamic psychotherapy session, with a focus on learning to listen to the patient, he explained.(课程还通过角色扮演来使大家理解心理动力学心理疗法,重点是如何学习倾听病人。)
16、These tools help to demystify the generally hostile programming environments that modern code must run in.(这些工具在那些现代代码所要运行的编程环境中不再神秘。)
17、But financial scholars are beginning to demystify hedge funds.(但是金融学者开始揭开对冲基金的神秘面纱。)
18、In addition, it will demystify the process and provide focus to data stewardship.(另外,这使设计过程更加清晰,让参与者可以将注意力集中于数据本身。)
19、Title: How to demystify Frege's Theory of Thought?(题目:如何去除弗雷格思想理论的神秘因素?)
20、"We want to demystify this place, that it is so dangerous and sad," said Oduor as he walked through the slum where he was born and still lives.(“我们希望打破这个地方的神秘感,尽管这很危险也令人伤感,”说这些话时,欧德正走过贫民窟,这是他出生的地方,也是他现在生活的地方。)
21、We want to demystify these common errors, and provide solutions that should help ordinary Linux users side-step the problem and get their machine back on track.(我们试图阐明这些常见错误,并提供解决方案,以帮助普通的Linux用户规避这些问题,并使他们的系统回到正常状态。)
22、However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework."(但他们同时提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待这一预测”,这是“用通俗的方式解释数量分析法,让数量分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。