




Arthas: Father! Is that… all end? 阿尔萨斯:父亲!一切……都结束了? Terenas: At long last… No king rules forever, my son. 泰瑞纳斯:终归到底...没有哪个人能够千秋万载,我的儿子。 Arthas: I see… only darkness… for me. 阿尔萨斯:我了解了...唯有黑暗...留下给我。 (阿尔萨斯双眼翻白,与父亲灵魂相握的手坠下死亡。泰瑞纳斯为其合上了双目,提里奥走近。) Terenas: Without its master’s command, the restless Scourge will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained. There must always be a Lich King. 泰瑞纳斯:没有了它们主宰的统御,无休无尽的天灾会对这个世界形成更大的威胁。必须维持其控制。永远得有一个巫妖王存在。 (泰瑞纳斯的灵魂在光芒中消失,提里奥走近巫妖王的统御之盔,将其拾起。) Tirion: The weight of such a burden… it must be mine, for there is no other- 提里奥:这重担是如此的艰巨,它必须由我来肩负,因为再也没有其他人。 Bolvar: TIRION! You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother. But it is not your own. 伯瓦尔:提里奥!你手中握着一个残酷的命运,兄弟!但这不属于你自己。 (提里奥发现了王座上烧灼的伯瓦尔) Tirion: Bolvar! By all that is holy… 提里奥:伯瓦尔!但天啊,这都是... Bolvar: The dragon’s flame sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. 伯瓦尔:红龙的烈焰铸就了我的命运。生灵的世界不再能宽慰我。 (提里奥走近) Bolvar: Place the crown upon my head, Tirion. Forever more, I will be the jailor of the damned. 伯瓦尔:将王冠戴到我的头上,提里奥。从此以往,我将成为天谴之力的监守。 Tirion: No, old friend. I cannot- 提里奥:不,老朋友!我不能- Bolvar: DO IT, Tirion. You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service… is mine. 伯瓦尔:照这么做,提里奥。你和这些勇敢的英雄们有你们自己的命运去履行。这最后的事务,属于我。 (提里奥把头盔交给伯瓦尔) Tirion: You will not be forgotten, brother- 提里奥:你不会被就此忘记的,兄弟。 Bolvar: I MUST BE FORGOTTEN, Tirion. If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today. 伯瓦尔:我必须被忘却,提里奥,如果要让这个世界远离恐惧的暴权而生活,他们必须永远不知晓今天这里发生了什么 。 (提里奥为伯瓦尔戴上头盔,冰封王座开始震动,巫妖王头盔上的宝石变成橙色,双眼中也射出橙色的光芒。) Bolvar: Tell them only that the Lich King is dead… 伯瓦尔:只告诉他们巫妖王死了! (寒冰逐渐覆盖了新巫妖王的身躯) The Lich King: And Bolvar Fordragon died with him. Now, GO! Leave this place, and never return. 巫妖王:还有伯瓦尔佛塔根和他一起陪葬。现在,快走!离开这里,永远不要再归来。


白痴楼上,这是美服魔兽世界杀死最终BOSS的话,真正的and you no longer need to sacrifice your people, you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown, i've taken care of everything"
"succeeding you, father"
"this kingdom shall fall, and from the ashes shall arise a new monarch that will shake the very foundations of the world.


下两楼的都是白痴,不要听他们的。只说了两句话:"what are doing a er sai si .""i ????"
