I:the author; A: one of my roommates;B: another roommate
Getting Help in Study
A:What makes you frowning?Anything wrong with you?
I:Uhh, next monday would be the deadline for my term paper,but I cann't prepare it well yet.
B:Did you discuss your topic with your professor about it?
I: He knew the topic and timeframe,but I never report any progress to him yet.I thought he maybe too busy to have a time talking with me.
A:How do you know this while not asking him for guideness?Never give up before you tried.
B:Right, that's my opinion,too.The professor may have some tips for you in the paper.Never forget,they are more familiar with it than you.They are experts.
I: What's more, my draft writing have to be tidy and clear before submitting to my professor.I need time to do homework.So I worried that if he could give me some suggestion in the coming weekend.
A:Just make a call,making sure he is available in weekend,then speeden up in preparation of your writing.Time waits for no man.
B: Yeah,yeah.Make a decision, then take action!Go on! Go on!
I:Thank you, guys!I 'll call my professor immediately.
A and B:Good luck!