Ason of the landlord familyliving,becauseyoungdrug andgambling,the homeof money.Father wasangry,lansed toset-off.Later,Fuguiassick motherto see a doctor,on the wayby the armyto fight.Andafter the warreturned home,mother had died,his wifehard raisingtwo children,daughterbecause of ahigh feverbecame blind and deaf,son laterbecause oftoo muchblood,ticdie.The wifeof grief,suffering from severe,be completely bedridden.Married the daughter ofaconstruction worker,and laterdied in childbirth.Son-in-lawspiritwas a heavy blow tothesite,becausedodgenot becement boardto death.Yourwifecan't stand the blowandthe pain of torture,the weakdie.The onlygrandsonbecause the greedyfried bean,studentchoked to death.Because ofthe rare warmthlifewill beadeathtearto pieces,only to havethe oldlivingwitha cowin the sunshinememories.