第九条 继承权男女平等。
第十条 遗产按照下列顺序继承:
第十三条 同一顺序继承人继承遗产的份额,一般应当均等。
Abstract: The challenge system are the modern countries of the Code of Criminal Procere to establish a universal system of litigation, as early as in ancient Rome, "natural justice" will have a "No person shall make their own judge," which in fact is the evasion of the basic spirit of the embodiment of the system . Litigation avoidance system is to ensure judicial justice, proceral justice achieve an important mechanism of action, "the People's Republic of criminal proceedings" and the Supreme People's Court are a number of provisions were made to evade the system, but from the legislative and judicial practice, to avoid system still remain to be improved. This article is divided into four parts to elaborate on the challenge system, respectively, the theoretical basis for the system to avoid the value of our country under the criminal to evade the assessment system, combined with China's national conditions and the legislative status quo to improve the system of our country to avoid criminal.
Abstract: China's "Inheritance Law" stipulates: "The right to equality between men and women to inherit." However, in judicial practice, because of the remnants of feudal influence, have a lot of places, especially in remote rural and ethnic minority areas still exist substantial neglect of his daughter the right to inherit property or deny her daughter the right to inheritance. This makes the conflict of laws and secular inheritance of property at his daughter has been fully reflected. Daughter in order to protect the rights of succession to property of a smooth implementation, we need to strengthen the rural law popularization of ecation, enhance rural women's legal awareness, a change in the original feudal customs, for the operation of law and create a good environment. And to strengthen the law operational, so that the relevant laws to better protect the daughter of the realization of the right to inherit property.
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