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热心网友 时间:2022-05-29 11:50
热心网友 时间:2022-05-29 13:08
上海动物园游记上个星期六,春光明媚,风和日丽,我和小草一起去上海动物园玩。 Travel in Shanghai Zoo last Saturday, spring sunshine, sunny, and the grass go to the zoo. 我们先去人才市场拿了小草的身份证就坐941路公共汽车去动物园了。 We went to the talent market took a grass identification is situated 941 bus to the zoo.
上海动物园是全国最大的动物园之一。 The Shanghai Zoo is one of the country's largest zoo. 现饲养展出珍稀野生动物600余种6000多头。 It is rare wild animals feeding on display more than 600 species of 6000 long. 其中有大熊猫,金丝猴,华南虎等我国特产珍稀野生动物,还有黑猩猩,长颈鹿,北极熊,袋鼠等世界各地的代表性动物。 Including the giant panda, golden monkey, South China tiger, and our specialty of rare wild animals, chimpanzees, giraffes, polar bears, kangaroos and other parts of the world, the representation of animals.
到了动物园门口,真是很热闹啊。 To the zoo entrance, was very lively. 小朋友们都穿得花花绿绿有爸爸妈妈带着来动物园玩,个个脸上都绽放着欢乐的笑容。 The children wear colorful Mom and Dad took to the zoo to play on all faces shine with a smile of joy. 不少小朋友手里还拿着门口卖的小玩具。 Many children still holding the door selling small toys. 还有一些外国友人也来参观。 There are some foreign friends to visit. 看到这种情况我不禁也激动起来,赶紧拉着小草去买票。 See this I can not help but get excited to buy a ticket, and quickly pulled the grass.
进了动物园之后是一个很大的草坪,还没看见动物,我好像已经看见小动物们在向我招手了。 The zoo is a big lawn, not to see the animals, I feel like I have seen small animals are waving at me. 没走多久我们就到了金鱼馆。 Did not take long to goldfish Museum. 美丽的金鱼三三两两的在鱼缸里游着,非常美丽。 The beautiful goldfish in twos and threes swimming in a fish bowl, very beautiful. 只是我想如果冬天来了,鱼缸会不会被冻住呢? I just want If winter comes, the fish tank will not freeze? 不过动物园的叔叔阿姨一定有办法会让小金鱼过一个暖暖和和的冬天的。 However, the aunts and uncles of the zoo must have a way to make a small goldfish had a warm and winter. 过了金鱼馆就是鸟园了,孔雀看到我们来了赶紧张开自己美丽的屏风,好像在欢迎我们。 Goldfish Museum Bird Park, the peacock see us to quickly open the beautiful screen, as if to welcome us. 鹦鹉也在鸟笼里面嘎嘎的叫着,似乎在说欢迎欢迎。 The parrot also rattle cage which cried, seems to be saying welcome welcome. 鸟园里面最有特色的该是火烈鸟了,他们长着长长的嘴巴和细细双腿,而且非常喜欢用一只脚站立,非常有意思。 Bird Park which most distinctive is the flamingo, with a long mouth and thin legs, and very fond of standing on one leg, very interesting. 这时候三只庞大的鱼鹰排列着从空中飞过,让人觉得真是一个生态的动物园啊。 At this time three large Osprey arranged from flying through the air, people feel really an ecological zoo.
不知不觉我们就来到了宠物天地。 Unconsciously, we came to the pet world. 宠物天地里面简直是狗的世界。 Pet world which is simply the dog world. 这里有全世界各地来的各种各样的小狗,有腊肠狗,牧羊犬,大白熊,斑点狗等等。 Around the world to a variety of dog, sausage dog, Collie, Great Pyrenees, Dalmatian and so on. 大白熊是最乖的,任由我们*也不动一下。 The Great Pyrenees is behaved, do not let us touch move. 宠物乐园里面还饲养有一些其它的小宠物,比如说海狸鼠,小猫等小动物,非常可爱。 The pet park which is also raising some other small pets, for example, the nutria, kittens and other small animals, very cute.
宠物乐园旁边是狮虎园。 Pet Paradise next Liger Park. 老虎和狮子在里面悠闲的生活着,一点也不惧怕人。 Tigers and lions in which a life of leisure, is not afraid of people. 还有一只老虎大摇大摆的朝我们走过来。 There is a tiger swaggering came toward us. 走到玻璃面前的台子上蹭*。 Went to the glass in front of the stage scratching. 真是禁不住像摸一下它那美丽的皮毛,可惜有玻璃隔着。 Really could not help but touch like its beautiful fur, but unfortunately glass separated. 依依不舍的离开了狮虎园之后就来到了熊山。 Reluctant to leave the park Liger came to Bear Mountain. 憨态可掬的狗熊坐在下面仰着头傻傻的看着我们。 Naive bear sitting below looked up and looked at us innocently. 不时有游客朝里面扔食物。 From time to time, the visitors threw food toward the inside. 而狗熊就忙着张开大嘴去接。 Bear busy big mouth to pick up. 真是很可爱。 Is really cute. 接下来的大项目就是熊猫馆了。 The next big project is the Panda. 熊猫是国家保护动物,所以待遇也不一样。 The panda is a national protected animals, so the treatment is not the same. 一个人住着大大的房子,还可以躺在食物上懒懒的打着哈欠。 One lived in a big house, you can also lying idle in the food yawned. 旁边还有一个给他玩得滑滑梯。 Next there is a good time to give him slide. 不知道什么时候我们才能过上这种幸福的生活。 Do not know when we can live a happy life. 看完熊猫馆,正好赶上4点钟的海狮表演。 Watching the Panda House, just in time for the 4 o'clock and sea lion shows. 海狮是非常聪明的动物,在训练师的指挥下灵活的作着跳水,顶球,投篮等高难度动作。 The sea lions are very smart animals, and a flexible diving to head the ball, shooting their heads under the command of the trainer. 非常有意思,旁边的外国朋友也看得哈哈大笑。 Very interesting, next to the foreign friends to see laugh.
天色渐渐暗了下来,我们也不仅加快了脚步。 The sky was getting dark, we not only speed up the pace. 走马观花走过了长颈鹿馆和河马馆。 Fly and have gone through the Museum of giraffes and hippos Museum. 河马真的是非常非常地大。 The hippopotamus is very, very large. 像一座小山一样躺在那里睡觉。 Lying there like a hill, like sleep. 别看他们憨憨的,其实他们是非常危险的动物。 Although they Hanhan, in fact, they are very dangerous animals. 上个星期看动物世界说,每天在非洲死于河马的人比死于其他动物的人加起来都多。 Last week to see the animal world hippos in Africa die every day than people who died of other animals combined. 这验证了一句老话,人不可貌相啊。 This verifies the old saying goes, in vain ah.
最后一个有趣的馆就是猴山了。 Finally an interesting museum is the Monkey Mountain. 猴山里面养着各种这样的小猴子。 Monkey Mountain, which the possessor of such a small monkey. 有猕猴,金丝猴,白头叶猴等等。 Rhesus monkey, golden monkey, white-headed langur. 最有趣的是一种长着长长尾巴的猴子。 The most interesting is a long, long tail monkeys. 他们非常顽皮,常常扯着同伴的长尾巴荡秋千。 They are very naughty, often inviting fellow long tail swing. 逗得旁边的小朋友咯咯的笑。 Amused the children next to giggle. 而最可怕的是黑猩猩,我从来没想到猩猩会有那么大,简直像一座小山一样。 The most terrible of chimpanzees, I never thought the gorilla would be so big, just like a hill. 可能是太阳下山的缘故,猩猩躺在那里一动也不动,看见我们那么多人来看他,也不过是懒懒的抠了一下鼻屎。 May be the reason the sun goes down, the orangutan lying there motionless, and see so many people to see him, but lazy to pull a little booger.
今天参观动物园长了不少见识,也学到了许多书本上学不到的动物知识。 Visit the zoo today a lot of knowledge, and also learned a lot of books to school less than animal knowledge. 开拓了眼界,增强了自己的环保意识。 Opened up horizons and enhance their environmental awareness. 以后我一定要教育大家要好好爱护动物,保护我们的地球。 Then I must ecate people to take care of the animals, to protect our planet.
热心网友 时间:2022-05-29 14:42